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A Knight of Magic by Devin Knight

The lecture notes from Devin Knight's 2009 tour. More than a set of lecture notes this is almost a complete book in itself! Features mind-boggling effects including cards and mentalism. Effects that fooled the majority of magicians in attendance. These notes also contain directions for some of Devin's marketed effects that would cost your several hundred dollars to buy with props and tells you how to make them.

Includes such effects:

  • Sanda-Panda Box
  • Deal or No Deal
  • Hollow Light Bulb Effects
  • Paint Can Surprise
  • Streamlined Koran Paper Tear
  • Poker Tells
  • and others...
This ebook includes the Poorman's Milk in Lightbulb which was a big hit and fooled ALL of the magicians in attendance. A light bulb is turned on and shown to be normal. It is turned off and placed inside a small paper bag. The performer than vanishes some milk. The bulb is removed from the bag and the bag is shown empty. The magician rubs the bottom of the bulb and a hole magically appears. He then pours out the vanished milk leaving nothing but a clear hollow bulb. Baffling beyond words and will replace those special expensive milk in lamps that look like a magic prop. Can be made up for just a few dollars. This effect alone is worth the price of the PDF.

Deal or No Deal is a killer effect. Any card is chosen from a deck. NO FORCE of any kind. Inside a small cardboard box on the table is found a duplicate of the freely chosen card. The box has been in full view all the time. The spectator reaches inside and removes the card NOT the performer. Another magician fooler.

1st edition 2009; 44 pages.

word count: 19963 which is equivalent to 79 standard pages of text

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Magic & Mentalism

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video