Numerological Destination is a simple, direct, bold, and effective self-working playing card routine with no sleight of hand, no mathematical procedure, and no marked cards ... it uses a regular pack of playing cards, anywhere, anytime.
You will surely find other uses for this method, but here's how we present it ...
Numerology is seen as a universal language of numbers. It's the idea that the universe is a system, and once broken down we're left with the basic elements, which are ... numbers. These numbers can then be used to help us better understand the world and ourselves. But one always begins ... with intuition.
And this is how the routine starts.
You give them a brief numerological reading on the number, creatively connect that number to a playing card, then reveal it.
- Simple
- Direct
- Elegant
- Bold
- Easy
- No marked cards
- No lengthy procedures
- No joke
1st edition 2023, PDF 8 pages.
word count: 2927 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text