(1 review, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★
This is Ackerman's variation of the Convincing Control.
runtime: 1min 45s
The 2. way he is doing it, is more or less the way I already was doing it (probably learned from a script from Racherbaumer).
You cannot learn the convincing control from this download! If you research for different versions of the convincing control go for it: the price is low ;-)
The convincing control itself is imho in general and for most cases the BEST slide to control a selection to the bottom of the deck (without other action)!
However, if you want to learn the slide, search for other sources (e.g. "Versatile Card Magic" by Frank Simon). I saw there is a download from Racherbaumer "Cull-Mination" on this platform. I haven't read it, but probably it's a good start to learning the convincing control, too.
Magic & Mentalism / Video clips (download)
Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Moves & Techniques