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Against All Odds
by Joseph B.

MP4 (video) | by download [149 MByte]  
Against All Odds by Joseph B.

This is an effect that Joseph is very proud of. When this was released it fooled top card magicians because of its diabolical method. There really seems to be no explanation. The magician is able to find the card chosen by the spectator under extremely tight conditions. The performer always looks away and the deck will be completely shuffled by the spectator. All this with a normal deck of cards. Joseph has cleverly combined two known methods to create a strong routine.

  • A normal deck
  • No gimmick
  • No marked cards
  • No peek

video 23:43 s

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Self-Working or Sleightless

Magic & Mentalism / Video clips (download)

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video