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Joseph B.

Joseph B.

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Coauthors: Biagio Fasano

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Bestselling Products for Joseph B.


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★★★★ $9.90
Joseph B. & Biagio Fasano
(Contact)Less is More ACAAN by Joseph B. & Biagio Fasano

An incredible A.C.A.A.N. effect completely in the hands of the spectator.

The title of this eBook contains the acronym for "Any Card At Any Number," and in fact the new version explained here, incredibly automatic and completely hands-off, of this famous card magic and mentalism effect, is capable of surprising even many magicians (we can say this with full knowledge of the facts, having personally tested it in magic circles) and guaranteeing a "devastating" impact on the audience.

After introducing and quickly showing a normal deck of cards, the magician shuffles, and cuts, then places...

★★★★★ $9.90
Joseph B. & Biagio Fasano
(Contact)Less is More ACAAN (Italian) by Joseph B. & Biagio Fasano

Un Incredibile Effetto di Carta al Numero completamente nelle Mani dello Spettatore!

Il titolo di questo eBook contiene l’acronimo di: Any Card At Any Number, che significa “qualsiasi carta ad un qualunque numero”, e infatti viene qui illustrata una nostra nuova versione, incredibilmente automatica e completamente nelle mani dello spettatore, di questo celebre effetto Cartomagico di Mentalismo, in grado di sorprendere anche moltissimi maghi (possiamo affermarlo con cognizione di causa, avendolo testato personalmente nei Circoli Magici!) e di garantire un impatto “devastante” sul...

★★★★★ $20
Joseph B.
Resistance by Joseph B.

In this PDF of about 60 pages plus performance videos and some explanatory videos, you will find numerous effects and ideas that come from the creativity of Joseph B. All effects are simple to do and semi-automatic.

  • Who is Joseph
  • Foreword
  • Glass Predictions
  • Sayonara
  • Drama
  • Insomnia
  • Impromptu Acaan
  • Bite the bullet
  • French Prediction
  • Opening Aces
  • A gift from Laura
  • Paradox Location
  • The Joker Know
  • Fooling on the phone

1st edition 2023, PDF 67 pages.

Joseph B.
Intrigue by Joseph B.

This effect is intriguing. Not only will the magician find two chosen cards under impossible conditions, but there will be a series of incredible and numerous predictions. Look at the full performance. The effect is simple to perform and semi-automatic. We are certainly within the magician-fooler category. Everything is done with a normal deck of cards.

1st edition 2023, video 16:03.

Joseph B.
Not to Cheat by Joseph B.

A demonstration of cheating.

The spectator chooses four cards totally at random and puts them face down between two red Kings who are face up. Then the spectator puts this little packet on top of the deck. After the magician cuts and shuffles only one time, the cards between the red Kings now are the four aces! With only one shuffle, the magician manages to switch the four indifferent cards with 4 aces.

1st edition 2023, video 11:31

Joseph B.
Maybe You Think by Joseph B.

Determine the card selected and the sum cast with two dice in a novel and very deceptive way.

You show a deck of cards, shuffle it and while you look away the spectator throws the two dice, adds the points shown, removes that many cards and remembers the lowest card in the removed packet. The dice are covered so that the performer can't see them. Now comes the unusual thing. The removed packet is inserted by the spectator somewhere in the middle of the pack. Then the spectator cuts and with a rosetta shuffle the cards are shuffled. This is immediately followed by any number of riffle and...

★★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
Fiery Predictions by Joseph B.

An infallible multiple predictions-effect with an incredible climax. Everything is done with a normal deck of cards.

1st edition 2022, video 14:20.

Joseph B.
Totally Impossible by Joseph B.

Totally Impossible is a really strong effect with a very intriguing and fascinating method. The magician is able to cut with a knife to the card selected by a spectator. Simply and totally unbelievable. Obviously a magician fooler, as in the style of Joseph B. One of the most impossible divinations, one of the most dramatic localizations to add to your repertoire. You can do this with a borrowed shuffled deck. The Deck does not have to be complete.

  • No gimmick
  • No peek
  • No one-way
  • No short cards or gaffed cards
  • No sticky stuff
  • No force
The knife is not strictly necessary, in the case...
Joseph B.
Yosoku by Joseph B.

You can do this with a borrowed shuffled deck and four jokers you prepared beforehand. The spectator shuffles the deck. The performer cuts it into six packets. The spectator chooses four of these packets by placing the four face-up jokers on any of the four packets. These packets are cut by the spectator. The four cards lying next to the jokers are pulled out of the packs. Their value is added and that many cards are counted down in the remainder of the deck. The card selected this way is predicted on the backs of the four jokers.

1st edition 2022, video 17:15.

Joseph B.
The Cassandra Effect by Joseph B.

The deck is shuffled by the performer and then cut several times by the spectator. After, the spectator cuts the deck into four packets totally at random. No force. The magician will be able to divine not only the cards above but also the cards at the bottom of each packet. All this with a normal deck of cards. No marked cards. Instant reset.

1st edition 2022, video 18:54

★★★★★ $7
Joseph B.
Esoteric ACAAN by Joseph B.

Esoteric ACAAN is an effect with two completely normal decks of cards. No gimmick. An original method to perform the famous Any Card At Any Number effect. The spectator will be able to name any card. Instant reset. It's really easy to do. No sleight of hand.

1st edition 2022, video 18:21

★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
Best of the Best by Joseph B.

Best of the Best is an effect that makes most of the potential of the pre-ordered deck. But don't worry because to perform it you will not need memory work and no complicated mathematical operations. Everything is super impossible but really simple to do. Three divinations plus a prediction, a surprising climax. The method behind this effect is truly amazing and fascinating.

  • A normal deck
  • No memory work
  • No complicated mathematical operations
  • No gimmick

1st edition 2022, video 17:34.

★★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
Ananke by Joseph B.

An incredible coincidence plus an incredible prediction that looks completely impossible. You present two decks to a spectator. They have a free choice (no force). The spectator takes one deck, and you take the other. Both of you shuffle your deck. Then the decks are exchanged. Each one gives their deck a final cut. Then each one puts their deck into their pocket. Then cards are withdrawn from the top of the deck and put face up on the table until a match of the face appears. Once a match appears the magician presents a prediction that was on the table the whole time in which he predicted...

Joseph B.
ARCAAN by Joseph B.

ARCAAN is an ACAAN with two decks of cards that is not only very easy to do but a complete miracle. It works every single time and always with a different card. For fans of the theme, it is certainly a gem to try.

Two decks: one blue and the other red. The spectator chooses one. Let's say the red deck. The spectator cuts from the deck a completely random number of cards and then he counts them. Then he shuffles the deck and puts a Joker into the middle of the deck. The card on the right of the joker will be the suit and the card on the left will be the value. Now we have a random number...

★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
Insomnia by Joseph B.

This can be done with a borrowed shuffled deck that does not have to be complete. (The only requirement is that the deck is in decent condition, but it does not have to be a new deck.) There is no stack or prior arrangement necessary. Somebody hands you a deck and you go right into the routine. You ask the spectator to take about a third from the deck, shuffle it at heart's content, then remember the bottom card and burry that pack somewhere in the middle of the remaining portion on the table. This all happens while you look away. You then take the deck behind your back and find the spectator...

★★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
One Hand Card at Number by Joseph B.

This effect is undoubtedly a fooler. The magician will be able to cut to three cards that reveal the exact position of the spectator's card. Conditions are really impossible. A true miracle with a normal deck. Always great reactions from both magicians and laypeople. Always a different number.

After the magician gives the deck a shuffle, the spectator is asked to cut the deck about in half and to take from the lower portion some cards, shuffle them, remember the top card, and put them back on top of the lower portion of the deck. Then the spectator shuffles the top portion of the deck and...

★★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
Out of Control by Joseph B.

Out of Control is a surprising, impossible location effect. The magician never touches the deck or even looks at it because the spectator will do everything under the table including two riffle shuffles and several cuts. Yet despite these stringent premises, the magician will be able to find the spectator's card face down in the spread of the deck. Great reactions especially from fellow magicians.

1st edition 2022, video 13:51

★★★★ $7
Joseph B.
Fate by Joseph B.

Do as I Do under impossible conditions.

An impossible coincidence, a powerful mental effect. Two regular and shuffled decks. Really simple and fun to do. The spectator takes any card from one deck and the magician does the same from the other deck. The amazing thing is that the magician and the spectator surprisingly took the same card. A variation "Do as I do" with an interesting and fascinating technique.

  • Two normal decks
  • No gimmick; no double-sided card
  • No sticky stuff; no wax; no rough and smooth; no tape or double-sided tape

1st edition 2022, video 17:55.

★★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
Most Impossible Diviniation by Joseph B.

As you can understand from the title this is an impossible divination. The method is becoming more and more diabolical.

The effect is a classic: the spectator chooses a card and the magician finds it. Here, however, the conditions are strict for the magician. There is seemingly no way the magician could find the card. The deck is shuffled while the performer looks away. Despite this, he will be able to find the chosen card face down. All this with a normal, borrowed, totally impromptu deck.

1st edition 2022, video 12:03

★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
Fooler Fooler Fooler by Joseph B.

The magician attempts to find the spectator chosen card under impossible conditions. In the end, he also manages to find the four aces. Everything is done with a normal deck of cards. Requires minimal sleight-of-hand.

1st edition 2022, video 12:52

★★★ $9
Joseph B.
Kpyto by Joseph B.

A new method to learn the identity of three (could be less, and could also be more) truly freely selected cards from a borrowed shuffled deck.

A real weapon that can also be used in other routines. A powerful effect and a fooler not only for layman but also for magicians. The magician is able to reveal the identity of three cards randomly taken by the spectator under impossible conditions. This method is unbelievable and diabolic at the same time. Everything with a borrowed shuffled deck. The magician always looks away.

  • no switch
  • no palm
  • no mirror or shiner
  • no doubles
  • no crimp ...
★★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
Any Card At Any Value by Joseph B.

This effect has such a subtle method. If you want to destroy your spectator with a killer effect, this is the one. This effect is a mix of impossible location, ACAAN and impossible revelation. Joseph has often used this effect as an opener and always got great reactions. You have all the material at home to construct the deck.

You introduce a deck of cards and instruct a spectator to cut about a third of the deck and place it to the side. The card cut to is remembered by the spectator and also put aside. The spectator shuffles the part cut off and the performer shuffles the remainder of...

Joseph B.
Mental Fooler by Joseph B.

Mental Fooler is a great and direct effect. It looks like you really know how to read the spectator's mind. The most important element is that you can do this with a borrowed shuffled deck. Everything is done with the cards face down. You take a borrowed deck of cards and remove a couple of cards. While you are turned away the spectator first shuffles these cards and then only thinks of one of them. Then you explain to him how to spell a card and move for each character a card from top to bottom. While you are again turned away the spectator spells the thought of card silently. You are able...

★★★★ $9
Joseph B.
La Routine Des Rois by Joseph B.

La routine des rois is a mixture of a packet trick and a production of Kings and Aces. You can do it with a normal deck of cards. It is a climax of twists, as you can see from the demo video. You need to know only the Elmsley Count. In any case, I also give you a little tutorial on it. No gaffed cards and no gimmick.

1st edition 2022, video 10:56

★★★★ $7
Joseph B.
+++ACAAN by Joseph B.

This is an incredible ACAAN with two completely normal decks of cards. Really powerful and semi-automatic, so easy to do. A very important point is that it only takes 5 seconds to reset.

The spectator has the choice of one of two decks. She thinks of any card (totally free choice). This card is taken out of the deck, signed, returned, and the deck is cut several times. Then the second deck is shuffled and cut. The spectator cuts this deck into four piles which are arranged around the other deck of cards. The spectator has a free choice to either turn face-up two packs, and for the other...

Joseph B.
Mathematical Fooler by Joseph B.

Mathematical Fooler is in fact an impossible location effect. It really is a fooler. The principle appears as already known but will succeed in deceiving even fellow magicians.

First of all, it is possible to proceed with a borrowed deck, a real selling point. The magician borrows a deck. He looks through the deck with faces up and inquires if it is a full deck. Then he asks the spectator to cut a third of the deck and count how many cards he has in his hand. It will certainly have a two-digit number. The spectator adds the two digits together and looks at the card that corresponds to that...

★★★★★ $7
Joseph B.
Wasabi by Joseph B.

Wasabi is a truly amazing effect for the audience. Full of twists and a great climax at the end. Basically, it is a semi-automatic effect that is very easy to perform. An impossible location, a spelling trick, and still a triple prediction. What more can you have than this? All this with a normal deck of cards. No gimmick.

1st edition 2022, video 13.28.

★★★★★ $6
Joseph B.
Uncutted by Joseph B.

Uncutted is a three-phase routine with a totally unexpected ending. The spectator can make free choices but many coincidences will happen. A deck cut in half literally. The spectator will always magically find the corresponding card in the other half. A long series of unexpected coincidences. A very fun routine.

  • You have all the material at home to construct your deck
  • You will use a normal deck
  • No force
  • No sleight of hand
  • Detailed instructions

1st edition 2022, video 27:25.

★★★★ $6
Joseph B.
JRS Control by Joseph B.

Here is a deceptive and easy-to-do card control. You can really see the selection shuffled back into the deck but somehow the magician is able to locate and control it. No preparation and no setup is needed. Everything is done completely impromptu and with a borrowed shuffled deck. No crimps or gimmicks are used. A real weapon to add to your arsenal of card magic.

1st edition 2022, video 6:12.

★★★★ $6
Joseph B.
Everybody's Fooled by Joseph B.

The method for this miracle is a miracle. So sneaky and ingenious and in many ways better than other gimmicks that have been used for this type of method. The gimmick is something that opens the door to new ideas because this technique is a very powerful weapon.

The title says it all. This effect will fool anyone. Even the most experienced magicians. A revolutionary and incredibly surprising technique. You will be able to find the card the spectator cuts to in a shuffled and borrowed deck, under incredibly impossible conditions. Really easy to do, no sleight of hand.

  • No marked cards ...
Joseph B.
Face to Face Location & Spectator's Revenge by Joseph B.

Two outstanding effects. The first effect is totally impromptu and can be done with a borrowed shuffled deck. It is completely hands-off. This is an impossible location that will fool even fellow magicians. You will get phenomenal reactions from your spectators.

The second effect is called the spectator's revenge because he will find his own card. This is a really fun and surprising routine.

Everything is explained in detail. You may need to buy something extra in order to perform the second effect - Spectator's revenge.

1st edition 2021, video 19:24

★★★★ $5
Joseph B.
JOJ False Shuffle by Joseph B.

Here you have a very deceptive False Shuffle based on Jay Ose's False Cut. You will see two versions in the demo. Look carefully; it will fool you. You will be able to keep the entire deck in order.

1st edition 2021, video 5:48.

★★★★ $7
Joseph B.
Impossible Memory by Joseph B.

A totally impossible memory effect plus as a climax cutting to the four aces. One of the greatest secrets of Joseph B. Certainly a magician fooler. The effect is structured in three phases, one more surprising than the other. All this with a borrowed and totally impromptu deck. It sounds unbelievable. It is unbelievable, a really charming and sneaky method.

  • No crimp
  • No marked cards
  • No gimmick

1st edition 2021, video 22 min 22 s.

★★★★ $7
Joseph B.
Inexplicable Prediction by Joseph B.

If you want a real mind-bender, also for magicians, this is the perfect effect for you. An extraordinary effect. A magician fooler. A climax of increasingly impossible effects. Here's what happens:

The magician shows a deck of cards and asks spectator 1 to cut a third of the deck and look at the card he cut to and then shuffle the packet. The magician looks away. Spectator 2 does the same with the rest of the deck: he cuts another third and looks at the card he is cutting and then shuffles his packet. Still, the magician looks away. Conditions are impossible. The magician is able to find...

★★★★ $6
Joseph B.
JH ACAAN by Joseph B.

An impromptu ACAAN with a borrowed deck.

The most interesting elements of this effect are:

  • It can be done with a shuffled borrowed deck.
  • You can do it completely impromptu.
  • Any card can be chosen and any number can be named.
You will also learn a largely overlooked control by Ed Marlo.

1st edition 2021, video 28:56

★★★★ $6
Joseph B.
Medium by Joseph B.

Medium can be made with any deck of cards. The spectator thinks any card and the magician will be able to find it. The conditions are impossible. Medium is a real pearl to add to your repertoire. Easy to do. Not only will you be able to amaze laymen, but you will be able to fool fellow magicians, too. Requires no memory or sleight-of-hand.

  • No gimmick
  • Easy to do
  • No memory work
  • Normal deck of cards

1st edition 2021, video 9:11.

Joseph B.
Faro Miracle by Joseph B.

This effect is a masterpiece of mathematical engineering with a sophisticated and devilish method. If you are a fan of the Faro shuffle you will not regret having acquired this gem. This effect is an exception because it requires skill and sleight of hand compared to tricks published by joseph B. in the past. Despite this, if you are familiar with the Faro shuffle this is the effect for you.

Effect: The magician places a prediction card on the table indicating his lucky number. The spectator thinks of a number from one to ten, cuts the deck in two, and takes a number of cards equal to the...

Joseph B.
No Way Sandwich by Joseph B.

Look carefully because this effect is a real fooler. I have shown it to many magicians and no one of them had a clue. This is the perfect end to your sandwich card routine. It looks like real magic. The two queens inexplicably approach each other inside the card case to capture the card signed by the spectator. It looks amazing! Really easy to do. You have all the materials at home to build the gimmick. I am really proud of this routine. I show you how you can end clean.

  • No glue
  • No wax
  • No force
  • No double-sided tape
  • No double face card
  • No double back card
  • Easy to do

1st edition...

Joseph B.
Spectator Cuts to 4 Sandwich by Joseph B.

The spectator's cut to the four sandwiches is a succession of magical effects. The magician takes his two lucky cards from the deck: the two of hearts and the two of diamonds. The spectator examines the two cards. The magician shuffles the deck and asks the spectator to cut it into four piles. This is where the fun part begins. Each time the magician approaches the two lucky cards to one of the piles, a card will mysteriously appear between the two lucky cards. The first will be a King, the second as well, and so on until you have the four Kings. It is not finished. Immediately the magician...

★★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
Automated ACAAN by Joseph B.

A new strategy to perform the legendary ACAAN effect. A fascinating principle that will allow you to perform a surprising effect without sleight of hand, completely self-working. A deck of cards with some numbers written on the back. One spectator chooses any card, another spectator chooses any number! Joseph B has received excellent feedback from the magic community for this effect.

  • You have all the material at home to construct the deck
  • Easy to reset (5 seconds reset)
  • No gimmick
  • No memory work (no memorized deck)
  • No rough and smooth
  • No sticky stuff

1st edition 2021, video...

Joseph B.
Against All Odds by Joseph B.

This is an effect that Joseph is very proud of. When this was released it fooled top card magicians because of its diabolical method. There really seems to be no explanation. The magician is able to find the card chosen by the spectator under extremely tight conditions. The performer always looks away and the deck will be completely shuffled by the spectator. All this with a normal deck of cards. Joseph has cleverly combined two known methods to create a strong routine.

  • A normal deck
  • No gimmick
  • No marked cards
  • No peek

video 23:43 s

★★★★ $9
Joseph B.
Just Absurd by Joseph B.

Just Absurd is an incredible effect halfway between an ACAAN and an impossible location. The magician shuffles the deck. The spectator cuts one third of the deck, he remembers the bottom card, and loses his packet somewhere into the middle of the deck. At the end the spectator himself will be able to find the position of the chosen card. Everything under impossible conditions, it will be the spectator who will find his own card.

The principle is diabolical, really impressive. Absolutely a fooler. Includes an in-depth explanation.

1st edition 2021, video 17 min 53 s.

Joseph B.
The Amazing Routine by Joseph B.

This effect is one of the most powerful ones that I still perform. A truly exceptional prediction. The magician is able to predict how many cards the spectator has in his pocket a long time before the routine starts.

This is what happens:

The magician places 3 predictions on the table long before the routine begins. The predictions are always in view. The spectator shuffles the deck of cards and freely cuts the deck, he remembers the card he cut to and puts a portion of the deck in his pocket. The magician cannot absolutely know how many cards the spectator has put in his pocket. Despite...

Joseph B.
Chaos Prediction 2.0 by Joseph B.

Chaos Prediction is an effect with great surprises and twists. For the spectator, it will be an impossible event because he shuffles the deck and he will do all the work. Despite the impossible premises, the magician's predictions will be infallible and the order is established above the chaos. A real great climax of emotions. Simple to do. All with a normal deck of cards.

Joseph B will explain the principle behind it and guide you step by step in its execution.

1st edition 2021, video 15 min 26 s.

Displaying 1 to 44 (of 44 products)