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The Magic Stone
by Renzo Grosso

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The Magic Stone by Renzo Grosso

In many mentalistic effects, the spectator answers the performer's questions in a sincere way or not, without the performer knowing the choice made.

The concept of "lie or truth" makes the effect stronger and the idea that the illusionist guesses however reinforces the memory of an effect as an exceptional event, almost a miracle.

In the effect presented here, a further degree of freedom has been added: after the first response, the viewer can decide whether to maintain the same behavior (lie / truth) or if he prefers to change it.

In practice, the two answers can be LIE / LIE, TRUTH / TRUTH, LIE / TRUTH, TRUTH / LIE without, of course, the performer being informed of the actual choices made.

The first version, defined as "telephone", is intended for a single spectator, while the stage version passionately engages four spectators. Have fun!

1st edition 2021, PDF 8 pages.
word count: 1786 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text