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Al Koran's Secrets
by Graham Jolley & Martin Breese


(3 customer ratings) ★★★

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Al Koran's Secrets by Graham Jolley & Martin Breese

Performed and explained by Graham Jolley in conversation with Martin Breese

This download DVD is the final work of Martin Breese’s long career in magic. So determined was he to see this produced that whilst ill he forced the hospital to send him home for the filming. He had a great passion for the work of Al Koran and great respect for Graham Jolley – ‘Britain’s most baffling mind reader’.

Martin had spent many years trying to bring these together and the passion and humor is evident as they talk about their hero. The two discuss the life of Al Koran and Graham Jolley demonstrates and explains Al Koran routines often with his own twist added.

"As for the Al Koran Secrets DVD, it's truly moving, as you remarked, and I'm struck by the stamina and professionalism Martin displayed. And, of course, It should go without saying that I'm never less than delighted to see Graham Jolley perform." -Hugh Miller

Routines include:

  • Five Star Miracle Wallet
  • Countdown
  • Card Stab
  • Himber Dictionary
  • Lazy Magician’s Card Trick
  • Three Rings, Medallion.
Plus two bonus videos of part of Graham Jolly’s live performance entertaining executives with his inimitable patter and Al Koran routines.

1st edition 2012, length 55 min.


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Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)