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An Ode to Lovecraft Seance
by Vincent Wilson


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An Ode to Lovecraft Seance by Vincent Wilson

HP Lovecraft was a master of the weird and horrific. The rightful heir to EA Poe. You may not even be aware of the influences he has made. From the Evil Dead movies to Stephen King, Hellboy and many, many others, Lovecraft has left a mark deeper than the most fathomless grave.

Paranormalist Vince Wilson has always been a huge Lovecraft fan and has been waiting for the right moment to release his popular Ode to Lovecraft Seance onto the world. In Wilson's original tale, Lovecraft is presented as an early 20th Century paranormal researcher who was trying to present the "reality" of his writings as fiction. The host of the seance will stop at nothing to prove this theory, even if it means doom for all.

In this script, Vince Wilson reveals:

  • Performing the perfect seance.
  • Freeing up a hand during a seance in the dark.
  • How to artificially age documents to look decades old.
  • Learn techniques and illusions you can use over and over.
1st edition 2014, PDF 17 pages.
word count: 4469 which is equivalent to 17 standard pages of text