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Antonio Romero

Antonio Romero

#2 Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups author

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Bestselling Products for Antonio Romero


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★★★★★ $25
Antonio Romero
The Torn and Restored Newspaper by Antonio Romero

This routine incorporates a system that conceals the torn pieces automatically, eliminating all angle problems. This means it can be performed surrounded, and that makes it truly practical and easy to perform.

The download video contains over 60 minutes of detailed instructions with all the secrets of this wonderful routine that has made its way into the repertoires of many professionals.

It was created by Antonio Romero in 1983 and first published in his book La Magia de Antonio Romero in 1992.

This video has an English voice over by Rafael Benatar.

Antonio Romero
Periódico Roto y Recompuesto by Antonio Romero

La rutina incorpora un sistema que oculta de manera automática los trozos de periódico roto, eliminado de esta manera los malos ángulos y convirtiendo este efecto clásico en algo realmente práctico y sencillo de realizar.

Creada por Antonio Romero en 1.983 fue publicada en su libro La Magia de Antonio Romero en el año 1.992. Completamente claro y limpio, sin angulos. Un milagro instantaneo.

Antonio Romero
Los Cubiletes Transparentes by Antonio Romero

Una rutina impresionante y un talento sin igual. Con este efecto, Antonio abre nuevas puertas en la magia de cerca. ¡Vaya idea! ¡Qué gran presentación!

"A lo largo de mi vida, he visto algunas de las mejores rutinas de cubiletes como las de Dai Vernon, Michael Ammar, John Thompson, Johnny Paul, y muchos otros con rutinas y pases brillantes. La increible rutina de Antonio me dejó atónito. Para hacer la rutina no necesitas unos cubiletes caros ni mucho menos. Antonio lo ha simplificado todo ¡y de qué manera!" - Joe Stevens

"Una rutina asombrosa, de una originalidad única: una...

★★★★★ $0
Antonio Romero
Sin Limite by Antonio Romero

Más de 50 efectos con la Romero Box.

★★★★ $0
Antonio Romero
Sans Limite by Antonio Romero

Plus de 50 effets avec la Romero Box.

★★★★★ $20
Antonio Romero
The Transparent Cups by Antonio Romero

A stunning routine of unparalleled talent! The cups and balls with clear glasses - transparent cups. Antonio breaks new ground in close up magic with this effect. What an idea and what entertainment.

"Antonio breaks new ground in close-up magic. What a fabulous idea." - Arturo de Ascanio

"In my lifetime, I've seen some of the greatest "CUPS N BALL" routines performed by Dai Vernon, Mike Ammar, John Thompson, Charlie Miller, Johnny Paul and the many others with brilliant routines and moves & sleights. Antonio's routine is smashing and completely blew me away! You don't need an expensive set of cups for the cups and balls routine!...

★★★ $0
Antonio Romero
Limitless: more than 50 effects using the Romero Box by Antonio Romero

The Romero Box is a cleverly gimmicked card box, turning it essentially into a switching device. This ebook describes the way the gimmick works and then describes more than 50 effects with it. Based on the information given you could either make your own or purchase it from Antonio Romero directly.

"The ROMERO BOX reflects on the intelligence, precision and the efficient and effective magic that always comes from its creator, the amazing Antonio Romero" - Roberto Giobbi

"The possibilities of the Romero Box have no limits. Only the mind of Antonio Romero could devise this wonderful tool, and only...

Displaying 1 to 7 (of 7 products)