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Audacious 2
by Abhinav Bothra

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Audacious 2 by Abhinav Bothra

Stop your pulse, Plant thoughts, Influence Choices and Demonstrate the most impossible coincidence.

Asystole - A one of a kind Impromptu pulse stopping effect where your palm can be face-up all the time with nothing covering it.

Note: If you have never seen or known any pulse stopping effect, then kindly get yourself acquainted with one, because it is only after that you will be able to use ASYSTOLE.

Bonus: Your heart beat gets synchronized with a song someone sings/plays or even with a mobile ringtone.

Time Frame 2.0 - Force any time without the help of any prop or preparation.

Card @ Cut 2 no. - A twisted version to CAAN where even the audience is unaware of the number until the last minute. Can be done with a borrowed and shuffled deck.

Influence - Make people believe that you can influence choices with nothing except a small packet of playing cards.

1st edition 2014, 15 pages.
word count: 2877 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text