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Clue by Gerard Zitta

This clever mathematical principle allows you to find a thought item among any number of items, even though you do not know the initial order. You don't even need to know what they are. You see nothing. It is entirely hands off and improvised, and can even be done over the phone. It works with any number of flat objects (cards, index or business cards, coasters, etc.) or usual objects (key, coin, lighter, pen, etc.).

Two practical examples are provided, but it is so easy that you'll be able to improvise your own mentalism effects with borrowed objects or cards, or with your own business cards and give them away at the end. It can also be used as a safety net.

  • 3-card monte
  • Tele-ESP

1st edition 2014, 10 pages.
word count: 3717 which is equivalent to 14 standard pages of text