Twenty-seven practical tricks which you, and your audiences, will enjoy. A whole host of laugh-grabbing gags is worth a fortune to the working performer. A valuable look at publicity and promotion. Graham Reed is a top advertising executive; don't miss reading his suggestions. A useful collection of games for children's parties. This section, alone, is worth the price of the ebook. A mixed grill of extremely interesting ideas, comments, thoughts, hints, and tips.
- Hello...
- Bingo 'Just Chance'
- Joker Prediction
- Publicity Spot Paddle
- Postcard Brainwave
- Pendulum Perception
- Magic Square
- E.S.P. Five Card Flim-Flam
- Male/Female Divination
- Coin thru' Table
- Oil Strike
- Cabaret 'Out of this World'
- Three Purse Swindle
- The Thing
- Book-mark Mentalism
- E.S.P. Prediction
- Once in the Blue Moon
- Queen of the Clubs
- Ring off Rope
- 7 Keys - again
- All the same
- Cups and Saucers Coin Transpo'
- The Gamblers Golden Gimmick
- Claude the Educated Clothes Peg
- Pound Note Revelation
- Chain Neck Release
- The Lady Reveals ALL!
- Dice Strip
- Section Two: PATTER
- The Wonderful World of Words
- Section Three: PUBLICITY
- Section Four: PARTY PIECES
- Party Fun for the Children
- Section Five: POT-POURRI
- Colour Changing Spot
- Visiting Card Reverse
- Continental Revelation
- Prediction Map
- Washer Thru
1st edition 1980, 74 pages; PDF 74 pages.
word count: 20948 which is equivalent to 83 standard pages of text