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Graham Reed

Graham Reed

Graham was a member of the Middlesbrough Magic Society where he met Paul Daniels. They became close friends and Graham would become one of Paul's magic advisors on his TV series. This lead to a friendship with Ali Bongo. He authored a number of excellent books including Audience Tested Originalities, Card Trick Collection, Magic for Every Occasion, Magical Miracles You Can Do, and others.

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Graham Reed
Audience Tested Originalities (used) by Graham Reed

Softcover book stapled in excellent condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Graham Reed
Audience Tested Originalities by Graham Reed

Twenty-seven practical tricks which you, and your audiences, will enjoy. A whole host of laugh-grabbing gags is worth a fortune to the working performer. A valuable look at publicity and promotion. Graham Reed is a top advertising executive; don't miss reading his suggestions. A useful collection of games for children's parties. This section, alone, is worth the price of the ebook. A mixed grill of extremely interesting ideas, comments, thoughts, hints, and tips.

  • Hello...
    • Bingo 'Just Chance'
    • Joker Prediction
    • Publicity Spot Paddle
    • Postcard Brainwave ...
Graham Reed
Un Effetto Calzante by Graham Reed

Un effetto di “scelta fortunata” originale e divertente per bambini ed adulti, corredato da varie idee per la presentazione. Facilissimo da eseguire e da preparare.

Vi presentiamo un bellissimo numero basato sulla classica “scelta fortunata”. Non solo il metodo utilizzato è estremamente brillante, pulito e facile da eseguire, ma anche la presentazione al pubblico è spassosa e non convenzionale.

Vengono fornite semplici istruzioni per preparare il gioco in pochi minuti. Il materiale necessario è semplicissimo da reperire.

Ecco la performance: il prestigiatore mostra una semplice...

★★★★★ $6
Graham Reed
Sock It To 'Em by Graham Reed

A comedy and original "Just Chance" routine for children and adults with several presentation ideas. Very easy to do and to prepare.

Here's a tremendous 'Just Chance' effect; tremendous because not only is the method extremely clever, clean and easy to perform, but the plot is distinctly novel and offbeat. Clear instructions explain how to prepare it in just a few minutes. All the items you need are easily found.

In performance, a neat plastic rod is shown. Attached to this are three colored clothes pegs and three colorful socks. The magician explains that it is his own way to make a gift...

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