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Augustus Rapp

Augustus Rapp

(Jeffersonville, Indiana: 29th January 1871 - 30th July 1961)

Stage name of Francis Augustine Rapp. Inspired around age 9 by a 10¢ booklet and immediately learned from a library copy of Hoffmann's Modern Magic. Pro by 1896 with medicine show. Wrote Comedy Stunts (1950, 20pp). Autobio is The Life and Times of Augustus Rapp, the small town Showman (1959, 136pp; repr 1990, 201pp).

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Augustus Rapp
The Life and Times of Augustus Rapp the Small Town Showman by Augustus Rapp

Excerpt from the introduction by Robert Parrish:

It appears that there have always been roving showmen: minstrels, montebanks, travelling players. Being such a trouper is a bit different from being an actor, or performing artist per se. You are not booked, your coming is not arranged for. You do not depend upon any of the machinery that makes the showman an organization man. You just take to the road and keep moving.

Such showmen differ from pure vagabonds in that they have a calling; to perform. This distinguishes them from the great American character the Confidence Man, although the Confidence...