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A.W.A.P. Book Test
by David Bui


(1 review, 6 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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A.W.A.P. Book Test by David Bui

This is a totally impromptu book test. It requires no gimmicks and can be done with virtually any book (hard cover or soft cover). There is also no setup. You do not need to have access to the book beforehand. And still you can reveal Any Word on Any Page.

Picture somebody choosing any book, from their own bookshelf. Then they open their book to any page they please and freely select any word. There are no forces and the choice of page and word is entirely free. That's what A.W.A.P. stands for. Any word any page.

You amaze them by revealing the word one letter at a time! This is a very clever and creative method. It will require practice. Just as you have to practice your card moves this will require you to practice. But I would not label this as difficult. Particularly because the PDF includes photos to make it crystal clear how to perform this miracle.

1st edition 2007; 23 pages.
word count: 2632 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Erick Castle
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 08 November, 2007

The routine is straight to the point, and it is definitely my cup of tea.