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202 Methods of Forcing
by Ted Annemann

#1 Mentalism & Spiritism author
#1 Magazines & Journals author

(5 reviews, 57 customer ratings) ★★★★

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202 Methods of Forcing by Ted Annemann

#3 in Magic & Mentalism bestsellers
#2 in Mentalism & Spiritism bestsellers
#3 in Mentalism & Spiritism top-rated

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If you have ever wondered what is the best way to force a card or number or item in a certain situation, then you can stop wondering. This booklet is nothing but forcing methods. It is ideal if you design your own routines and would like to find the most suitable force. It is also great for people who have problems with one or another force, since here they will find other methods to reach the same outcome. Very simply said, get this ebook and stop worrying about your forces.

You could also get the version which includes Victor Farelli's notes: 202 Methods of Forcing - with Victor Farelli Notes.

first edition, 1933, Max Holden, New York; 35 pages.
word count: 19777 which is equivalent to 79 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Thomas Jones (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 25 January, 2024

This is a classic. Many good number forces in here. Some are outdated but can be tweaked for a modern audience.

Reviewed by Scott Reed (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Monday 21 November, 2022

There is a ton of useful information in here! As you may have expected, some of it is a bit dated and may be something you don't wish to try. But I can assure you that you will find plenty of gold in the pages of this book!

Reviewed by Sean Hoade (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 24 July, 2022

As brilliant as you would expect -- forcing ideas and outright instructions for forces in almost every situation you're likely to need in designing your own routines.

Reviewed by Christian Fisanick
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 26 May, 2016

This oldie-but-goodie is absolutely a must have, whether you are a card or coin worker or mentalist. And this annotated edition is wonderful because even though the annotations are concise, they will add to your knowledge of the principles and steer you away from stuff in the original manuscript that was too cryptically described. For half the price of a latte at Four-Bucks, you can download in a flash an essential text. Go for it now!

Reviewed by David Bilan
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 31 October, 2012

less than a penny a method! Seriously, you proprably will find 3 or 4 methods that will become your "go to" forces. What about the other 198 forces? This classic will help put you in the thinking mode. Annemenn's work is a must-have.