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Bammo Brain Bamboozler: Bammo Gaffus Maximus Addendum 1
by Bob Farmer

#2 Mentalism & Spiritism author
#3 Cards author

(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Bammo Brain Bamboozler: Bammo Gaffus Maximus Addendum 1 by Bob Farmer

An astounding encephalonic effect. Combines telepathy, teleportation and ancient Egyptian witchcraft (well, okay, that last thing about the witchcraft, that's not true, but the other stuff is). Officially this is the first addendum to Bammo Gaffus Maximus. Uses your brain and the brains of others. Two spectators think of cards. The first spectator's card vanishes from the deck. The magician removes one face-down card from his pocket and places it on the table. For the first time, the spectator names his card - the magician turns over the card on the table - it is the first spectator's card.

But now for the kicker - the magician says he'll do it again! The second spectator's card vanishes from the deck. The magician removes a face-down card from his pocket. For the first time, the second spectator names his card - The magician turns over the face-down card: it's the second spectator's!

Remember, only after the cards are removed face down from your pocket are they named. No sleights. Instant reset.


1st edition 2018, 2nd edition 2020, PDF 18 pages.
word count: 5149 which is equivalent to 20 standard pages of text