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Bob Farmer

Bob Farmer

#2 Mentalism & Spiritism author
#3 Magic & Mentalism author
#3 Cards author

Mr. Farmer in his usual disguise foolishly revealing secret to attractive woman who bewitched him after he innocently befriended her at IBM meeting in Moosehoof, Northwest Territories.

Bio: Nothing is known about Mr. Farmer.

Coauthors: Roy Walton

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Bob Farmer
Universal Free Will by Bob Farmer

If you are a fan of the classic Universal horror movies, The Mummy, Frankenstein, and Dracula, then you need this routine.

The shrunken head of a French missionary who failed to convert some Amazonian headhunters destroys the free will of your spectator and leaves a message predicting every action - specifically the choices referable to The Mummy, Frankenstein and Dracula.

It's $5: cheaper than a bag of popcorn in a movie theater.

And now Version 2.0 includes a Three Card Monte routine, Three Card Monster, where the audience tries but fails to find Dracula.

1st edition 2025, PDF...

Bob Farmer
Dracula's Transylvanian Castle by Bob Farmer

It's time to sink your teeth into some brand new and weird magic from Bob Farmer, Dracula's Transylvanian Castle.

Using a small skull and the layout of Dracula's Castle, the spectator somehow locates the room Dracula's coffin reposes in. Then suddenly Dracula makes an appearance!

A completely unique and bizarre routine that will put a stake through your audience's hearts and knock'em dead.

And don't worry, if an audience member is scared to death, insurance from The William Castle Casualty and Insurance Company will pay for the funeral (but not the party afterwards).

1st edition...

Bob Farmer
Bammo Buddha Time Machine by Bob Farmer

After the deck is shuffled, twelve cards (one for each month of the year) are shown to the spectator and he thinks of the one corresponding to his birth month.

The twelve cards are isolated in folded papers to prevent any sleight of hand. The spectator names his card and commands it to return to the deck. The folded papers are opened and there are only eleven cards and when shown the thought-of card is not among them. The deck is spread and the thought-of card is found face up back in the deck.

Practically self-working. Easy and fast reset. Can be a different card each time.


★★★★★ $5
Bob Farmer
Bammo Astro Sign by Bob Farmer

There is no more powerful effect than one that uses some personal information of the spectator that the magician could not possibly know. Here the selected card is found using either the spectator's zodiac sign or the month in which the spectator was born. Self-working. No sleights. Any deck, even a borrowed one.

1st edition 2024, PDF 6 pages.

★★★★ $5
Bob Farmer
TCF: Tarot Counting Feint by Bob Farmer

Now for a lousy five bucks, you can take the Counting Feint to a whole other world - a world filled with Tarot cards, mystic occultism and a crazed British madman, Aleister Crowley.

Consulting my Tarot cards, I know you will embrace my shameless hyperbole and fork out the lousy five bucks for Addendum #1 to TCF: The Counting Feint. It's a real deal.

The Addendum consists of four routines involving Tarot cards and a single killer card effect, "Blankjack" (even dice get in the show in some effects).

Any one of the routines will be sure to impress that girl in the bar with the inverted pentagram tattooed on...

★★★★ $10
Bob Farmer
Bammo Mojo Vudu by Bob Farmer

The spectator names any card. No force. No equivoque. He can change his mind. It will be a different card every time.

The card's meaning has been predicted by a voodoo fortune teller. There is only one prediction and it is in full view at all times.

No sleights. No memorization. No mathematics. Instant reset. Nothing added or taken away. Practically works itself.

1st edition 2024, PDF 18 pages.

Bob Farmer
Bammo Madame de la Grange was Here by Bob Farmer

It's never been done before because it's never been possible until now and now you can predict the assisting spectator's actual beliefs. For the kicker, a second prediction nails any card of 52 the spectator names!

There have been no other predictions like these in the history of magic and mentalism. No sleights. No memorization. Instant reset. No refills. It can be a different card every time. Nothing added and nothing taken away.

Also included as part of the The Bammo I Don't Know Wallet Dossier 5.0, so get it there or get it here.

You will need a deck of cards, a Sharpie, and a Himber or Z-fold wallet.

1st edition...

Bob Farmer
Bammo Strange Attraction The Sequel by Bob Farmer

Time to open a can of whoop ass!

The business card of the fortune teller Madame Magdelaine De La Grange has been torn in two. The spectator retains one piece. The other piece vanishes and appears stuck to the back of the spectator's selected card. The piece retained by the spectator matches the piece on the card perfectly.

A bizarre effect without precedent.

No palming. No angles. Resets automatically. You will need a Himber or Z-fold wallet.

1st edition 2024, PDF 12 pages.

Bob Farmer
Bammo Strange Attraction by Bob Farmer

If you're looking for a unique and quirky effect, Bammo Strange Attraction will fill the bill. A fortune teller's business card vanishes and appears attached to the back of a selected card (regular cards or Tarot cards). The manuscript includes the fortune teller's business card so you can print it out and use it for this and other effects. An additional routine by David Britland adds something seldom seen in psychic effects: a sense of humor. The routine requires a Himber or Z-Fold wallet.

1st edition 2024, PDF 11 pages.

★★★★★ $20
Bob Farmer
The Bammo I Don't Know Wallet Dossier by Bob Farmer

The Bammo I Don't Know Wallet Dossier is the manuscript that comes with Tony Miller's IDK Wallet. At over 215 pages, the Dossier is the largest collection of wallet effects published to date. The wallet is expensive ($165) so when contemplating the purchase a reasonable person might want to know what exactly the wallet can do.

As an advanced version of the Himber, the Bendix Bombshell, the Sho-Gun and the Z-Fold wallets, it can do what any of those wallets can do and, conversely, those wallets can be used to accomplish some of the effects of the IDK Wallet. Accordingly, the Dossier is...

Bob Farmer
Bammo Poker Poker Poker by Bob Farmer

The spectator names a Poker hand. He can change his mind. The deck is spread face down and the five cards for the named hand are the only face-up cards. The deck is squared and spread again: the face-up cards have vanished. For the kicker, the deck is spread face up and all the cards are blank. It was all an illusion.

Uses a special gaffed deck you can easily make at home. No sleights. No memorization. Idiot proof. Automatic reset. No angles. Killer kicker.

1st edition 2023, PDF 12 pages.

★★★★★ $7
Bob Farmer
Bammo Mind Control by Bob Farmer

This is a routine for those who want to elicit screams from their female spectators at the final revelation. They are thinking of a card, the only card in the deck with a secret message, a message so profound and emotionally connecting that a scream of disbelief is the only reaction possible. At least that's what road tests of the routine have shown.

Also included, is a bonus routine with magic eyeglasses, invisible writing made visible, and a kicker ending that will baffle all.

1st edition 2023, PDF 7 pages.

★★★★★ $7
Bob Farmer
The Bammo Full-Deck False Shuffle by Bob Farmer

J.C. Wagner's "Super Closer" is one of the most impressive routines you can do with a deck of cards. Ricky Jay knew this and only was told the workings after Wagner held out for one of Jay's inner secrets.

The deck is shuffled and cut and then divided into four packets. The magician and the spectator shuffle the four packets.

Effect #1: The top cards of each packet are turned over to reveal the four Aces.

Effect #2: The spectator buries the four Aces in the deck. The magician spells each Ace to find all four and, as he does so, four packets are created.

Effect #3: The four Kings are spelled...

★★★★★ $10
Bob Farmer
Bammo Queen Monte by Bob Farmer

For those who wish to fool those who know all the other gaffed montes (Skinner's, Deland's "Pickitout," the British "Chase the Ace"), the "Bammo Queen Monte" is here and ready to serve.

Those other versions use two gaffed cards, the Bammo Queen Monte does not - which means that there are deceptive displays possible that the others cannot match.

There is no sleight of hand: the special cards do all the work.

The entire routine happens on the table just like the real monte. Alternately, for maximum visibility, larger cards can be used with some card holders.

Three cards are shown,...

★★★ $10
Bob Farmer
Bammo Ten Card Poker Slam by Bob Farmer

The magician displays a random mix of ten cards, all spot cards and a single Ace of Spades. He explains these cards are used in a game called, "Ten Card Poker Slam" - with just ten cards cheating is impossible. The cards are mixed face down and dealt in a row. The magician and the spectator take turns selecting cards until each has five cards.

The magician reveals his hand: four 2s and an Ace of Spades - Four of a Kind - BUT - - - The spectator's hand is a Straight Flush in diamonds, 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D and 10D - and a Straight Flush beats Four of a Kind, so the magician has the losing hand....

★★★★ $10
Bob Farmer
Bammo Cychops by Bob Farmer

When Teller saw this he said: "A work of mad genius."

Here at the Mad Genius Institute (MGI) we spend our days chasing the elusive butterfly of love and when we realize it's just another of the many delusions that sent us here in the first place, we get back to our real work: creating mind-bending magic so far outside the box it's a long-distance call to reality.

What happens when you decide to use not one or two Chop Cups but three? Three Chop Cups and three magnetic balls: you can't get farther from the mundane than that.

  • Phase 1: Ball vanishes and appears in a Crown Royal bag. ...
★★★★★ $10
Bob Farmer
Bammo Tricks of the Trade by Bob Farmer

Bob Farmer has gimmicked, treated, and modified playing cards for decades to achieve his various clever effects using gimmicked and gaffed decks and cards. He has collected a number of very useful ways to treat cards for various purposes. This manuscript outlines several processes and procedures and informs you about all the necessary tools and supplies and where to get them.

Included is Bob's Hallucination 2.0 effect which is an improvement of Eddie Clever's Hallucination routine first published in the Jinx in November 1934.

    • Step 1: Protective Spray
    • Step 2: Ptfe Powder ...
★★★★★ $35
Bob Farmer
The Bammo Gridlock Dossier by Bob Farmer

The Bammo Gridlock Dossier is a deep-dive examination into the use of matrices and grids in magic and mentalism. There has never been a book like this one and it is more than just a collection of methods: new and cutting-edge effects are included.

If you are a mentalist, you need this book.

If you are a magician looking for the latest mental effects, you need this book.

If strange effects with Tarot cards, mystical rune stones, pentagrams and playing cards fascinate you, you need this book.

If you find interesting the works of Max Maven, Karl Fulves, Simon Aronson, Sam Schwartz, John Bannon and others in the...

★★★★★ $15
Bob Farmer
Bammo Crambazzled Dossier by Bob Farmer

Routines with the Howard Adams' Ramasee Principle - a self-working method.

Crambazzled: A condition of complete bafflement caused by excessive magical experiences.
- The Bammo Dictionary of Silly Words

The Bammo Crambazzled Dossier is a deep-dive examination of a very strange and magical principle. You will fool yourself and, of course, everyone else. It works automatically, maybe even automagically. How it works may not be capable of an explanation from this world, but Bob Farmer does offer his ideas and those of many others.

The routines involve magic words, runes, Tarot cards, antique keys,...

★★★★★ $12
Bob Farmer
Bammo Gaffus Maximus Addendum 2 by Bob Farmer

Bob Farmer's Bammo Gaffus Maximus book has a five-star rating from verified purchasers. Now there is an addendum with even more amazing, gaffed decks you can make easily at home.

The effects are brand new and like nothing you've seen before: two astounding predictions, "Stoned," and "The Turn of a Card," involving Chinese mysticism and Las Vegas gambling - themes that are catnip for audiences.

No sleights. Automatic working. No rough and smooth. Instant reset. No angles.

If you have Gaffus Maximus, you'll need this addendum. If you don't have Gaffus Maximus, then this is your chance to sample the quality...

★★★★ $25
Bob Farmer
Bammo Brainwave Brainwaves by Bob Farmer

Not your magic dealer's Brainwave. Entirely new and revolutionary. Complete instructions to easily make it yourself.

  1. Predict the ending in writing before the card is revealed. One prediction in full view. No switches or indexes.
  2. Show a "regular deck" top and bottom before the face-up card is located.
  3. Predict three choices in writing. All three choices are absolutely free. No forcing.
  4. Destroy the spectator's free will as he selects a card from a deck he has shuffled and examined.
  5. Cause a selected card to vanish and appear elsewhere.

Includes four non-Brainwave miracles by the legendary...

★★★★ $10
Bob Farmer
TCF: The Counting Feint by Bob Farmer

Once more, with this new 3.0 edition, all previous editions are now completely obsolete.

Now added is the "Mendoza Countdown," the precursor to the Capehart Countdown (see below) and the version explained here may be just as effective because after the spectator mixes the deck it is spread face up to prove it really has been thoroughly mixed—thus the eventual revelation that the spectator has somehow found all the Aces, Kings, Queens and Jacks in suit order is astounding.

The "Capehart Countdown," won Chris Capehart a Fool Us award from Penn and Teller and is fully explained here. ...

★★★★ $20
Bob Farmer
Hummer's Odyssey by Bob Farmer

If you are interested in mentalism and/or impossible card locations and/or the Sunken Key, you will enjoy this manuscript. If you enjoy fooling other members of the conjuring demi-monde, you will enjoy this manuscript. If you know who Bob Hummer is, you will really enjoy this manuscript.

If you like tricks that involve the Seven Deadly Sins, astrological signs, lucky cards and H.P. Lovecraft, you will enjoy this manuscript.

It's twenty bucks, about what you'd pay for a Starbucks coffee on Rodeo Drive in L.A. Unlike the coffee, you won't need to talk to a sycophantic barista with a Chinese ideogram...

★★★★ $20
Bob Farmer
The Mind Reader Encephalonic Dossier by Bob Farmer

"Bob Farmer is an interesting man, who creates interesting magic, and that's all one would need to know. With Mind Reader he has once again topped himself, as it might very well blow your mind!" - Roberto Giobbi

"Compared to fully gaffed decks that accomplish the same effect, Bob's work gets you to the selected card faster and leaves you with a deck that can be examined/used for other effects. Final Rating (1-10, 10 being best): I rate this a solid 8 on 10 and a strong recommendation, especially if you are a fan of Bob's other works." - Chris Aguilar

"I have never seen Bob Farmer perform. I have never...

★★★★★ $12.50
Bob Farmer
The Red Prediction by Bob Farmer

In August of 1963, Dai Vernon took a twenty-hour bus trip from Los Angeles to Dallas, Texas, to deliver a lecture at the Statler Hilton Hotel.

On the way there, Vernon created an amazing effect, an effect that is relatively unknown, even today. Shortly thereafter, Vernon advertised the trick for sale.

From the fertile brain of Mr. Dai Vernon comes a MENTAL STUNNER! Here are the facts. Imagine this effect and the IMPACT ON THE AUDIENCE!

The performer displays several cards face up and deals them in a random manner on the table top, some face up, some face down. NOW he gives a spectator an...

★★★★★ $15
Bob Farmer
Bammo Brain Bamboozler: Bammo Gaffus Maximus Addendum 1 by Bob Farmer

An astounding encephalonic effect. Combines telepathy, teleportation and ancient Egyptian witchcraft (well, okay, that last thing about the witchcraft, that's not true, but the other stuff is). Officially this is the first addendum to Bammo Gaffus Maximus. Uses your brain and the brains of others. Two spectators think of cards. The first spectator's card vanishes from the deck. The magician removes one face-down card from his pocket and places it on the table. For the first time, the spectator names his card - the magician turns over the card on the table - it is the first spectator's card.

But now for the...

★★★★★ $30
Bob Farmer
Bammo Gaffus Maximus by Bob Farmer

A collection of new and novel gaffed decks, which you can easily all make at home, and strong effects that go along with them. Requires little to no sleight-of-hand.

From the introduction:

There is nothing sweeter than a gaffed deck that does something amazing, something that cannot be duplicated in any other way. A deck of cards looks so innocent, and is such a common object, that when it is converted into a wolf in sheep's clothing, the audience becomes an easy meal for the predatory wolf pack.

Many of the ideas contained in this manuscript have been encouraged, corrected, improved...

★★★★★ $30
Bob Farmer
The Bammo Tarodiction Toolbox by Bob Farmer

A new method to quickly and secretly arrange cards from a small pack all the way to a full deck. No math needed unless you want to understand why it works.

Within magic, no mind approaches Bob Farmer's. Outside magic, Machiavelli came close. The evidence is presented in "The Bammo Tarodiction Toolbox." - Stephen Minch

Bob Farmer's Bammo Tarodiction Toolbox is both a great trick and a genuinely new method for secretly arranging cards quickly, accurately, and right in front of the spectators' noses. - Matthew Field

About what you'd expect from the guy who invented that stupid little hand trick. -...

★★★★ $7.50
Bob Farmer & Roy Walton
Mutanz by Bob Farmer & Roy Walton

A bizarre packet trick.

Inexplicable, unexplainable, enigmatic, and just plain weird. A cascade of alchemikal conundrums. A phantasmagoric orgy of cabalistic conjuration. A bewildering bafflement of uncanny dimensionality. Strange and supernatural forces twist and possess ordinary cards until they become grotesque mutants - in the hands of the spectator!

No angles. Everything examinable. Resets instantly. Satisfaction guaranteed or we'll apologize. Warning: This ad contains bombastic hyperbole and unconscionable embellishment.

When the going gets weird the weird get Mutanz!


★★★★★ $7.50
Bob Farmer
Bammo Aces by Bob Farmer

McDonald's Aces with the Bammo Touch.

"... how diabolically good ... Bammo Aces is!!! ... I really love your presentational angle. ... Each vanish is better than the one before it." - Glen Guldbeck

"... displays and touches during the vanish sequences that are particularly clean and deceptive ...." - David Regal

We have all fooled around with the Mcdonald's Aces routine so what could possibly be new about this trick.

Running the voodoo down: here's what's new: innovative deceptive sequences that are extremely visual using some easy moves not previously featured in this effect.


★★★★ $12
Bob Farmer
Objet C'ard: tricks and ideas with the Bloom Card by Bob Farmer

In February of 1986, David Ben and I sponsored a lecture by Gaetan in Toronto. It turned out to be a fabulous evening of magic. Towards the end, Gaetan demonstrated a monte routine which used what he claimed was a new kind of trick card. There were about 150 people in the audience and as I was standing at the back of the hall I couldn't really see what was going on. I didn't pay attention.

When the Wright Brothers first took their new machine into the air, there was probably some guy tying his shoes who missed the whole thing. That would have been me. Luckily I got a second chance. Unlike the Wright...

★★★★ $15
Bob Farmer
Cheat! The Sequel by Bob Farmer

Still No Skill? Still Absolutely No Problem!

"This one is really, really good." - Mike K.

Seldom does a card trick leave your audience groveling at your feet, women throwing themselves at you and the IRS auditing your tax returns. Sure, parting the Red Sea may be more impressive, but after your hands, in a dazzling digital jitterbug, cut five packets to reveal four Aces and a Queen - and then top that by immediately reassembling the deck and cutting another five packets to reveal a Royal Flush - well, even Moses would have to acknowledge, that's pretty damn slammin'.

And that's just...

★★★★★ $20
Bob Farmer
Bammo 666 by Bob Farmer

A couple of years ago, at the Genii and 31 Faces North conventions, I was showing some in-the-hands packet effects that used a new technique and getting amazed reactions quite out of proportion with what I expected. Though I reckoned I had little chance of fooling the cognoscenti with what I was doing (because the new technique was so simple), I noticed a lot of jaws dropping and exclamations of "Whoa!" as I demoed the effects, so I knew I'd hit on something really deceptive.

In one effect, the Ace, 2, 3 and 4 first turn face up, then, one by one, they all turn face down. Counted again, each...

★★★★ $6
Bob Farmer
Cheat! The Prelude by Bob Farmer

Still no skill? Still no problem!

Turn any spectator into a world-class card cheat. They'll love you for it unlike that stupid thing you do with the sponge balls.

The magician hands the spectator a lucky rabbit's foot. They take turns cutting high card: the spectator wins every time. For the finale, they play a hand of poker - the spectator controlling the cards - again the spectator wins.

Cheat: The Prelude the perfect lead in to Cheat. Together they make a devastating gambling routine, irrefutable evidence that you - YOU - are the MAN! (even if you are not a man).

Simple and practically...

★★★★★ $5
Bob Farmer
Bad Influence: Before Computers Series 2 by Bob Farmer

Before the proliferation of multi-card, back-changing face transforming packet tricks, Bob Farmer created a template known to only a few, here revealed for the very first time for the many is the secret.

Effect: A small packet of Jokers changes color from red to blue to green to yellow to all different colors. The faces then change to kings. No special cards are required. No thick blocks of cards are used. All changes are instantaneous.

  • Introduction
  • Effect
  • The Count
  • Bad Influence 1977
★★★★★ $10
Bob Farmer
The PAT Switch: Before Computers Series 1 by Bob Farmer
"... The PAT Switch will have you rethinking many of the tricks you know and probably have in your repertoire, as well as suggesting new ideas." - Matt Field
There was a time when Doug Henning roamed the earth, a time designated B.C. (Before Computers). It was a time when armed only with an Olivetti portable typewriter, a deck of cards and a dream of unseating Max Maven as the inventor of more damn card tricks and sleights than anyone else in history, I devised many, many effects, some really awful with short life spans ("Spanish Inquisition," lie detector with Ascanio spread), some acceptable...
★★★★ $20
Bob Farmer
Turnantula by Bob Farmer
"The sleight ... is to my knowledge new and is certainly a lovely maneuver promising wide applicability. If anything can shine through the welter of material being published today, I should think this sleight deserves to. It is quite simply, very, very good ... your applications ... [are] ... excellent in their construction." - Stephen Minch

"... [Turnantula] ... is quite excellent and I have never seen anything like it before." - Roy Walton

"The venomous bite of the Turnantula caused me to see outstanding close-up card magic that may not have been possible otherwise. Buy it now before an antidote is discovered and spoils...

★★★★ $9.50
Bob Farmer
Cheat! by Bob Farmer
"Verrrry nice!" - Roberto Giobbi

"This is a gem." - Matt Field

"This looks terrific, in no small part because it addresses three items I've always been fond of: the Christ Aces, Vernon's "Aces to Order" and Semel's Pirandello Cut. ...Your approaches are fascinating ...." - Stephen Minch

No Skill? No problem!

Look like a card cheat without years of practice, self-denial, cheap bourbon and wild women. The most impressive thing you can do with their deck - the one they just handed you - is to discover the four aces in a variety of astounding ways. And it's even more impressive if they tell you...

★★★★ $9.50
Bob Farmer
Mojo Boogie Boxes by Bob Farmer

A three-phase, coin box routine with no difficult sleights. Perfect for the magician who doesn't do coin magic but wants to add an astounding effect to the repertoire. Can be performed close-up and surrounded. Included is Bob's "Beat the Devil" bizarre patter story.

You will need one Boston Coin Box and two Okito Coin Boxes to perform this routine.

M.D. "A blast to play with ... I have been having so much fun ...."

R.R. "... (The routine is) a classic, down to professional quality patter."

D.S. "A real nice piece of work ... great ideas and routines ... I ... was quite impressed...

★★★★ $9.50
Bob Farmer
Cyclops by Bob Farmer

One-Ball cups and balls routine

One large ball and three cups are examined by the spectators. The magician's hands are empty - so are his pockets.

  • Covered by a cup, the ball vanishes
  • It jumps from cup to cup
  • It penetrates the bottom of a cup
  • It jumps from pocket to cup
  • It appears under any cup the spectator picks
  • It multiplies to three balls, one under each cup
  • No special equipment required
  • Performable under almost any conditions: close-up, standing, sitting, kneeling - even begging
  • 5 second reset
  • Do it in your (or someone else's) underwear
  • Short, easy-to-follow,...
Displaying 1 to 40 (of 40 products)