This is a neat little collection of bar tricks, stunts and simple magic effects. Some of it will be familiar to you, some have a new twist or plot and others might be completely new to you. Julian added photos to make it very easy to present these on your next visit to your favorite bar or restaurant. It is a good idea to have a few of these stunts ready when you are not prepared to do a full magic show, but still want to be the center of attention.
1st edition, 2004.
1. Red or Black
This trick will prove that your volunteer has ESP as they correctly predict whether cards are red or black.
2. Find the card
Spectator chooses a playing card then returns it to the pack which is then cut numerous times making sure the chosen card is definitely hidden within the pack. You then reveal the chosen card in a way which will surprise everyone.
3. Double Prediction
Shuffled pack has a card inserted into the middle of the pack by a volunteer. You write down a prediction of the cards
directly above and below the inserted card.
4. Ultimate Prediction
5 poker hands are dealt. 5 cards are chosen by volunteers. You predict all 5 of the cards chosen by the volunteers.
5. Mind Reading
Predict the symbol in your volunteer's mind.
6. Find the Lady
A twist on the old Find the Lady trick as the volunteer mixes and deals the cards.
7. Diamond
Simple matchstick trick.
8. Cocktails
Another simple matchstick trick.
9. Heads I win, tails you lose
Using 3 coins you can win this bet in seconds.
10. Paper into cash
This is an incredible trick. Show blank pieces of paper then fold the paper in half. When you unfold the paper it has turned into money which everyone can check.
word count: 3662 which is equivalent to 14 standard pages of text