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Bascom Jones

Bascom Jones

(San Diego, California: 28th October 1924 - 23rd March 1994)

Nephew of T. Page Wright whose magic library (nearly 2,000 items) he inherited at age 8 and learned by reading it at age 11. Debut at age 12 in school shows. Professional writer in the aerospace and defense industries, working in California for General Dynamics and Hughes Aircraft. Amateur mental magic as "Bascom". In 1947 co-invented (with Fred Shields) Unbelievable, a now classic card effect. 1988 PEA Achievement in the Art of Mentalism Award.

Wrote (with Fred Shields) "Double Daring" column in Genii 1947-61. Editor-publisher of Magick 1970-death. Wrote King of the Cold Readers (1989, 77pp) and 19 Rules of Mentalism. Many effects in Genii and Magick, using own plus several pen names.

Coauthors: Frederick Michael Shields

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★★★★ $6
Frederick Michael Shields & Bascom Jones
Unbelievable by Frederick Michael Shields & Bascom Jones

A billion-to-1 psychic miracle using a regular deck of cards. A reputation maker, yet easy to perform.

A deck of cards is legitimately riffle shuffled and cut. A spectator selects any two suits, say Spades and Diamonds. These two suits are removed from the pack and given to the spectator. The performer takes the other two suits not chosen. The spectator deals a card face down. The performer places a card face up on this card. This is repeated. Variety is added by the performer dealing a card face down and spectator covers this card with one of his cards face-up. When all cards are dealt...