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Being a Magician: is like living with your mother
by Jason Hice

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Being a Magician: is like living with your mother by Jason Hice

A self-help book for magicians. Have you ever struggled to socialize when not performing magic tricks? Included here is how to use being a magician as an advantage instead of a disadvantage. Plus hygiene and etiquette tips.

Also includes five original routines from the author, including:

  • Fedora fusion, an anniversary-waltz-style routine, that is simplified and uses an ordinary deck of cards.
  • Mr Silk's candle, a silk-to-candle effect, with a description of how to make the cheap useful prop.
  • How much? A money routine featuring an unusual place to hide a bill.
  • Floss of poverty, a classic "gypsy thread" routine with new dramatic patter. (Goes well with Mr Silk's candle)
  • Scent of loneliness, a mentalism routine involving the idea of psychically tasting food.

But this ebook isn't just about teaching you a few new tricks, it might even help make your life better!

1st edition 2024, PDF 21 pages.
word count: 4059 which is equivalent to 16 standard pages of text