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Bill S Kill by Unknown Mentalist

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The performer hands out a bunch of dollar bills to the participant. On each dollar bill is written a different word that represents something that money cannot buy. Also, on each dollar bill is written a different playing card.

After giving out the bill stack, the performer does not need to touch the dollar bills again. The participant chooses any dollar bill randomly while the performer is looking away. And yet the performer divines accurately the special word written on that particular dollar bill. Not only that, the performer also divines the serial number of the dollar bill. Finally, to complete the utter amazement of the participant, the playing card is also divined by the performer.

This is a hard-hitting triple climax routine that you can carry in your pocket or wallet. The principle is self-working. The routine itself is very easy to perform and is totally hands-off. No sleights, no preshow and no stooges. Can be reset instantly.

An interesting theme, presentation and script based on "what money cannot buy" are included along with some bonus ideas. The routine involves a bit of one-time preparation which may take up between 5-10 minutes. You can also hand out your business card as a souvenir to the participant with your revelations on it.

Note: You will need 12 bills with consecutive serial numbers.


1. This is not a magic course for beginners. So a basic level of magic intelligence and a minimum level of performance skill are required to be able to perform these effects.

2. Every magician is not a David Copperfield. Every mentalist is not a Derren Brown. Every magic creator is not a Jay Sankey. And every magic reviewer is not a Penn & Teller. Every magic review, good or bad, is more a reflection of the reviewer rather than the reviewed. So even a badly reviewed magic effect can become a masterpiece in the hands of a good performer. Similarly, a 5-star reviewed magic routine can be screwed up by a bad performer.

1st edition 2016, 12 pages.
word count: 2758 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Andrew Baroch (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Wednesday 29 March, 2023

Got to be an easier way to get the needed bills.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / Paper & Paper Money