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Star Signature
by Unknown Mentalist

#1 Mentalism & Spiritism author
#3 Magic & Mentalism author

(3 reviews, 3 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Star Signature by Unknown Mentalist

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Star sign divination is a very popular effect. From the point of view of the participant, it is simple, direct and strong. There have been many methods for this routine. An earlier release of mine Signature gives a method which achieves a huge short cut in the procedure by using the Powergram Principle and can be performed impromptu or remotely over phone or skype.

This release contains 4 different methods for star sign divination. A specially designed Zodiac Card is included as a printable prop which can be printed in any size from pocket size to parlor size or stage size.

1. The 3 Questions Method - Using this method, the performer can divine the star sign of a participant by asking a maximum of just 3 questions (in some cases, just 2 questions may be enough)

2. The 2 Questions Method - Using this method, one can divine the star sign by asking the participant a maximum of just 2 questions (in some cases, just 1 question may be enough)

3. The 1 Question Method - Here you can divine the star sign by asking just a single question.

4. The Zero Question Method - This is 'apparently' a zero question method, from the perspective of the participant. Although the performer does ask one or two questions, the clever method is disguised in such a way that the participant will feel you have not asked any questions related to her star sign.

All the methods are extremely easy to learn and perform. No sleights, no preshow and no stooges. There is nothing to reset and the routine can be instantly repeated for different outcomes. The Zodiac Card is fully examinable and is freely handled by the participants. The performer does not need to touch the Zodiac Card before, during or after the routine.

Some performance options and ideas are included. Due to the design of the Zodiac Card which contains astrological, numerological and gemology elements, it is very easy to combine readings with star sign divination, if you so desire.

If you already own Coin'cidence, that routine along with some variations can be performed with the theme of gemstones using this Zodiac Card.

1st edition 2016, 25 pages.
word count: 4285 which is equivalent to 17 standard pages of text

Reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 09 July, 2016

The UNKNOWN MENTALIST has done it again!

This STAR SIGN revelation is great no matter what caliber of mentalist you are!

I personally believe this is perfect to use for spectators not knowing their STAR SIGN as the prop has the dates and STAR SIGNS on it so the spectator doesn't have to spell anything in their head without looking at it.

I personally like THE ZERO QUESTIONS METHOD in this ebook.

Two effects that I will definitely use are SIGNATURE for impromptu use without props and STAR SIGNATURE with props.

I give BOTH of these effects a 10 STAR rating.

Again a job well done by a great mentalist and personal friend!!!

Reviewed by Simon Hood (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 05 July, 2016

Wow...a big step forward for zodiac guessing methods. As it is, I was quite impressed with 'Signature' and now totally a fan of powergram system and other methods in here. Absolutely love the 'single question' version - totally fooling and great concept. Building in the Coincidence trick (which is another great effect) is very thoughtful. The zodiac card design and theme are superb. Good range, clever methods, built in flexibility, great value for money - what more do I need?

Reviewed by Loki Jedi (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 04 July, 2016

Some new and refreshing thinking here. Long anagrams of earlier days tended to be boring. The methods here are quick and impressive. Beautiful deception disguises the real methods. Powergram principle looks truly powerful. The idea for 8 people together can be a great showpiece. Built in coincidence routine is a terrific bonus. My zodiac revelation tool kit looks so strong and versatile now. Looking to start using this right away.