The binary effect I always performed the most was called Binary Squares and it combined the binary effect with the Magic Square effect in a unique way. I have always considered this a very special effect and not only one of my best but the most enjoyable of all of my effects to perform. However, this didn't mean that there wasn't room for improvement. So I spent some time working on this, adding some new reveals, refining it, and road-testing it. Also, all the procedures that can so easily telegraph the method of binary style effects have been so well disguised that the final revelations are totally unexpected, and floor audiences. Binary Squared is the end result of all these improvements and it is different in so many ways from the original.
Binary Squared can be performed for one person or for many people. It can so easily become part of your EDC, as you can hand draw or print the images onto five business cards or even less if you used double-sided blank ones. Alternatively, you can put the provided images on your phone or if you put them on your social media account you can even use a spectator's phone.
1st edition 2024, PDF 19 pages.
word count: 4852 which is equivalent to 19 standard pages of text