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Bloom Miracle Poker Machine
by Gaetan Bloom & Chris Wasshuber

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Bloom Miracle Poker Machine by Gaetan Bloom & Chris Wasshuber

This is a completely new and improved implementation of the famous Al Stanger Miracle Poker Machine. It is based on Gaetan Bloom's superior routine for this miracle. The first phase of the Bloom routine is now customizable and requires zero mental work - an improvement to an already astonishingly clean and clever and easy to perform routine.

Here is a brief outline of the effect: A spectator selects 5 cards from a regular deck of cards. (The deck is not gimmicked in any way and can be a borrowed one.) Four of these cards are entered by the spectator into the Miracle Poker Machine. A fifth card, the hole card, remains separate. A press of a button, again by the spectator, and the device reveals the fifth card. This basic sequence - spectator choosing cards, entering values, and the computer revealing the hole card - can be repeated up to 5 times in ever more mysterious ways. How does the little device always know the fifth card? Watch the demo video below for a full run through one possible routine. The various phases are customizable and can selectively be enabled and disabled.

Legends such as John Mendoza had the Miracle Poker Machine in their professional repertoire. It is that strong. The original Al Stanger version used a TI-85 graphing calculator, which brought several practical problems with it. This new implementation uses a credit card-sized computer called the Arduboy. Even if the rechargeable battery runs dry the software will not be lost. The new implementation also guards against and prevents certain spectator input errors. The routine is now not only utterly miraculous, but the device is a lot more robust eliminating all the past problems with it. On top, it is so small that it will fit into any pocket or wallet and thus can be taken anywhere you want to perform it.

Special thanks to Andy Martin who not only recorded the demo video below but who was also very helpful with detailed feedback which made this version of the Miracle Poker Machine a lot better than it would otherwise have been.

Please note that the version used in the demo video below is an earlier version where the card suits are represented by characters (CHSD). The release version uses actual suit symbols as seen in the cover image to this product. Andy also customized his unit by covering the Arduboy logo and replacing it with PokerBoy.

You will be able to download a PDF that will explain everything clearly with photos and detailed instructions. The Arduboy device with the necessary software stored on it will be mailed to you.

Various methods to this type of effect have been explored in The Perfected Five Card Trick. A similar but not identical effect is the Fitch Cheney 5-Card Trick.

1st edition 2021

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Phone, Apps & eTricks

Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Self-Working or Sleightless

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video

Magic & Mentalism / Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks