Richard Kaufman
(Queens, New York City, NY: 16th May 1958 - )
Inspired at age 5 by uncle's gift of some S.S. Adams novelties. Learned around age 8 from a Gilbert "James Bond" magic set and father's gift of magic shop tricks. Noted illustrator of magic books since age 16. Founded, published, and co-edited Lorayne's Apocalypse 1978. Publisher (with Alan Greenberg) as "Kaufman and Greenberg" 1979-97, thence alone as "Kaufman & Co."
Editor-publisher of Richard's Almanac 1982-87. Columns in Magic Manuscript 1982-84, Genii 1987-1989, Opus 1990-present. Since 1988 has built "world's largest collection of A.C. Gilbert Mysto magic sets". 1995 Christopher Award. Editor-publisher of Genii since Jan 1999.