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by Henry Ridgely Evans

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Cagliostro by Henry Ridgely Evans

Count Alessandro di Cagliostro, by real name Giuseppe Balsamo, was an Italian occultist, mentalist and magician, who managed to achieve entry into the royal courts of Europe where he practiced various occult arts, mentalism, magic, alchemy, etc. His fame continued beyond his death, but eventually he was labeled a charlatan. Regardless of how one wants to portrait Cagliostro, there is a lot magicians and mentalists can learn from him and his exploits.

  • Proem
  • I. A Master of Magic
  • II. The Conjurer and the Cardinal
  • III. The Affair of the Diamond Necklace
  • IV. The Downfall of the Grand Cophta
  • V. The House in the Rue St. Claude
  • VI. The Egyptian Rite
  • VII. Autographs of Cagliostro
  • VIII. Portraits of Cagliostro
1st edition 1931, 43 pages; PDF 37 pages.
word count: 15066 which is equivalent to 60 standard pages of text