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Card in the Orange
by Edwin Hooper


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Card in the Orange by Edwin Hooper

The Effect of the Card in the Orange ranks with that of the Bank-Note in Lemon, or the Card in the Egg effect, but has one main advantage over the other two and that is that it is easier to do. Although the impact on the audience is precisely the same, the trick can be performed under any conditions and is literally worry-free. The Card in the Orange is one of those effects that, in the right hands, can be a reputation-maker. The whole effect depends entirely upon showmanship and presentation.

  • Edwin's Routine
  • What You Require
  • Another Method
  • Knife Force
  • Simplicity Force
  • The Glide
  • The Glide - Second Method
  • The Handkerchief
  • Other Ways Of Vanishing The Card
  • Choice Of Orange

1st edition 1984, 16 pages; PDF 18 pages.
word count: 6224 which is equivalent to 24 standard pages of text