Here's another collection of easy card routines. Card routines performed with regular cards. Using just a deck of cards, you can perform very strong, baffling, visual magic.
- PROPHECY IN COLOR (Nick Trost): A spectator shuffles the cards and deals eight pairs. You predict how many matching pairs and which color they are.
- FAT CHANCE (Aldo Colombini): The Ace, Two, Three and Four of Spades move from top to bottom of a packet of four cards and then a Royal Flush appears.
- FLY AWAY CARDS (Karl Fulves): Two freely selected cards disappear from the deck and reappear face up in the middle.
- COINCIDENCE IN COLOR (Roy Walton): From two packets of cards, you pick two cards and a spectator takes two (free choice). The four cards are black. All the other cards are red.
- AUSTRALIAN COUNTDOWN (Reinhard Müller): After a card has been freely selected and replaced, an elimination process takes place and the last card remaining in your hand is the selection.
- BILOCATION (Peter Duffie): A card is placed on the table. Two spectators take a card each and lose them in the deck. Using the previous card, you find both selections.
- PARADOX (Al Leech): An unknown card placed between two other cards, is revealed to be the selection of the spectator.
- DOUBLE-QUADRUPLE-REVELATION (Paul Gordon): From two shuffled packets you produce a four-of-a-kind (Aces, etc.).
- TWO-SHUFFLE DEAL (Aldo Colombini): You shuffle the deck twice and remove the face cards. After a 'magic' deal, where four face-down packets are formed, you reveal that each pile contains the Jack, Queen and King of the same suit.
- A LA HOFZINSER-PLUS (Werner Miller): Under impossible conditions you not only reveal the number of red and black cards in a packet cut by a spectator but also the name of a selected card.