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Cardiac Arrest
by Stephen Tucker


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Cardiac Arrest by Stephen Tucker

Stephen Tucker's classic Cardiac series revived as an ebook. This is the third part of the trilogy. 20 stunning effects.

1st edition 1984, 40 pages; PDF 49 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Intro...
  2. Making Light
  3. Cocktail
  4. Busy Doing Nothing
  5. Conversaceon
  6. So Be It!
  7. Royal Passage
  8. Oil Well That Ends Well
  9. The Tuckount
  10. Face Value
  11. Spot The Difference!
  12. Case In Question
  13. Back From The Front
  14. A Passing Interest
  15. There Must Be A Catch
  16. So What Else Is New?
  17. You Must be Psychic
  18. Electron
  19. Mohammed
  20. Disgracefull
  21. Over And.......
  22. Bye.....

word count: 13337 which is equivalent to 53 standard pages of text