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Cardiac Stimulation
by Stephen Tucker


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Cardiac Stimulation by Stephen Tucker

Stephen Tucker's classic Cardiac series revived as an ebook. This is the second part of the trilogy.

1st edition 1984, 36 pages; PDF 40 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Total Control
  2. Henchmen
  3. Going Nowhere
  4. Cutting Remarks
  5. The Alternative
  6. Edge Hog II
  7. III
  8. Chinese Tuckaway
  9. To Have And To Hold
  10. A Sticky System
  11. In The Best Of Taste
  12. The Other Side
  13. You Only Get Out What You Put In. Or Do You?
  14. Pneumatic
  15. For Whom The Belle Told
  16. Snap And Tickle
  17. Bye!

word count: 13241 which is equivalent to 52 standard pages of text