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Casino by Raphaël Czaja

A slot machine prediction using three decks of cards.

Three decks of cards in their card box are piled up on the table in front of three spectators. The magician is about to show the spectators why he is not welcome in casinos anymore. Each spectator is asked to pick a different suit (free choice) and is given a deck that they shuffle. Then, the magician removes from each deck the cards of the suit chosen by the spectator without changing their order. At the end, three face-up piles are displayed in a row on the table. The magician explains that the piles represent the spinning reels of a slot machine and that he will be the player. To simplify the rules, he asserts that in order to win the jackpot, he would have to end up with three identical symbols. In our case, three identical values. The three spectators deal their cards at the same time. Every row looks different and random. Occasionally, there might be the same three values in a row but only the final row matters. In our case, it consists of three Fours! The spectators could assume that the magician's luck is the reason why he is not welcomed in casinos anymore. At this moment, the magician turns over the three card boxes and aligns them on the table. Into the cellophane of each card box lies a business card, blank side up, on which is written a number. It reads:

| 4 | | 4 | | 4 |

This is not luck. The magician was able to predict the outcome!

Easy to do. No duplicates. Examinable. Includes additional tips and another ending with an extra prediction. Part of the presentation is based on "Jacques Pote" by Jocelyn Briais (released by Jean-Pierre Vallarino) but the trick and the method are ultimately different.

1st edition 2024, PDF 9 pages.
word count: 2008 which is equivalent to 8 standard pages of text

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