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Chan Canasta's Book of Oopses
by Chan Canasta

#2 Audio author

(6 customer ratings) ★★★★

Chan Canasta's Book of Oopses by Chan Canasta

This book could fetch hundreds of dollars on ebay. It was very hard to find a copy. The book was shrouded in mystery. The few that had a copy didn't tell what it was. Many who didn't have one, wanted it badly. Now the wait is over...

Martin Breese reprinted this one of a kind book. And the one of a kind Martin Breese let me reproduce it as ebook.

Given the recent popularity of psychological methods in mentalism, the Book of Oopses was decades ahead of its time. Most effects use psychological quirks and biases to predict your entirely 'free' choice. It is eerily disturbing how easily we can be influenced. Some effects are assisted by mathematical methods but mostly the effects are based on subtle human biases.

From the back cover:

This is the first ever (e)book that can mind read. It is based on a completely new and unusual idea - you the Reader, are the spectator, and the Book is the performer of a series of exciting mind reading tricks.

The instructions for each trick are clearly set out on one page, and when you have followed them, you turn to another page and find that the Book knows exactly what you are thinking. Like any mind reader the Book is not successful all the time - and when it fails - Oops! - it shurgs sadly and admits failure. But when it scores a hit the effect is nothing short of miraculous, giving you an eerie feeling that it possesses some occult and incredible power.

word count: 3431 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text


This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / Books (printed)