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by Bob Farmer

#2 Mentalism & Spiritism author
#3 Cards author

(14 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Cheat! by Bob Farmer
"Verrrry nice!" - Roberto Giobbi

"This is a gem." - Matt Field

"This looks terrific, in no small part because it addresses three items I've always been fond of: the Christ Aces, Vernon's "Aces to Order" and Semel's Pirandello Cut. ...Your approaches are fascinating ...." - Stephen Minch

No Skill? No problem!

Look like a card cheat without years of practice, self-denial, cheap bourbon and wild women. The most impressive thing you can do with their deck - the one they just handed you - is to discover the four aces in a variety of astounding ways. And it's even more impressive if they tell you which ace to find each time. Now you can do that with a couple of simple, beginner-level sleights. And you can do it impromptu with their deck.

Sure, this has been done before, but those methods required hard work, difficult sleights and mind-numbing mental calculations. You don't need any of that - You only need to CHEAT! You can find bourbon and wild women at the biker bar down the road from the auto plant.

"... the trick ... is very good. It is definitely worth checking out." -Joe McKay

"CHEAT is brilliant thinking about one of my favorite effects, the Christ Aces. Bob has reimagined this with a ton of brilliant innovations. Highly recommended." - Matt Field

"Great stuff Bob. Nice little routine. ...I've always loved this plot and I really like your rendition. ... I really like GPS Aces and I love that it can be done from a borrowed shuffled deck. The patter helps to make the process entertaining yet concise. This handling is lean without compromising effect. ... Top notch magic. Highly recommended." - Magicfish

I just bought "Cheat!" from Wow. what a clever thinking it is! I think Bob-san's great talent is picking up some old but interesting lesser-known principles or / and classic plots, then put together them in a brand-new, really devilishly clever and simplified way. Then Bob-san creates unique and innovative effects with popular plot in magic with a fairly easy method. Bob-san did it again for Christ's "Fabulous Ace Trick"! I really like "set up". I'll use this set up forever. - Yuki Kadoya

  • Losing The Aces
    • Initial Setup & Spelling An Ace
    • Notes On Sleights
  • GPS Aces
    • Effect
    • Method
    • Presentation
    • Historical Notes
    • - David Britland Notes
    • - David Ben Notes
  • Aces To Order
    • Effect
    • Method & Background
    • Objectives
    • Spelling An Ace
    • Bottom, Middle Or Top
    • Named Ace Appears Next To Face-Up Card
    • Ace Appears Face-Up
    • Face Up Or Face Down
    • How To Practice This Trick
  • Pirandellos
  • Thank Yous
Also check out Cheat! The Prelude, the perfect lead in to Cheat!
1st edition 2018, 29 pages.
word count: 8101 which is equivalent to 32 standard pages of text