This is a conceptual breakthrough for improving the old and trusted magician's choice or equivoque.
Equirock is a simple technique to force one of three items. As a direct, ONE STEP
force, it is almost impossible for the spectator to backtrack and thereby discover the method.
Equirock is immensely versatile and can be used to force any kind of object or
other item – a word, number, person, card, coin, book … in fact anything at all!
The method can also be easily extended to allow for a force from any number of items, not just three.
The only props needed are your hands, a pen and three (or more) blank cards or pieces of paper.
"A beautifully conceived fooler" – Doug Canning
1st edition 2010; 13 pages.
word count: 4112 which is equivalent to 16 standard pages of text
Reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Thursday 26 May, 2016This is a clever, nearly self-working way to force one of three objects (or more, using the material given to extend the principle) under the guise of playing rock-paper-scissors. There are no sleights, equivoque, marked cards, psychological subtleties, or complicated moves involved; you just have to understand the principles, which are a snap and will take about five minutes. It plays quite naturally, and you'll be able to figure out quite a few uses for this utility routine. For example, it is the perfect substitute for the initial equivoque if you are doing a positive/negative routine where you need to force a coin. The author is a real theoritician when it comes to describing mentalism processes so the ebook is well written. For $10, you can't go wrong adding this to an arsenal of equivoque, PATEO, and Quinta.
Reviewed by Gerard Zitta (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★ Date Added: Thursday 13 December, 2012Very good idea and ebook. I like it and recommend it.
Gerard Zitta