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Coins by Roy Volume 1 (download DVD)
by Roy Eidem


(1 review, 1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Coins by Roy Volume 1 (download DVD) by Roy Eidem
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Inner secret coin magic after decades revealed. Detailed written instructions with dozens of photographs to assist in the learning of all the moves and new coin sleights. A full workers routine which may be performed in part of in whole depending upon the performance environment. Honed and refined in the underground over decades to its fundamental entertainment and performance simplicity. Promises kept for decades that portions of this material would never be performed before magicians and only performed before laymen so as to keep the exclusivity of the methods underground. Only now available to the serious magician, for those thoughtful performers who want to truly magically entertain.

You will learn some new, never published underground secret moves in coin magic that are entirely "doable," but more importantly how to blend them into a magical entertainment piece. The lessons and secrets learned here may be used all together or in separate mini-segments as determined by real-life performance settings and needs. This is a stand-up, surrounded, street or corporate venue, adults and children performance worker magic at its artistic best.


  • Multiple Productions of Coins from a Coin Purse Frame (An Elegant Miser's Dream)
  • The Twisted Finger Palm
  • One-half Jumping Shuttle Pass
  • The Reverse Shuttle Pass Drop (RSPD)
  • Vanish of Multiple Coins into a Coin Purse Frame
  • Flash Production of Coins out of a Purse Frame
  • Modified Goshman Coin Pass
  • Click Pass - a Subtle Variation
  • "The 360 Cloak"
  • Flying Han Ping Chien & One Ahead
  • Retention of Vision Vanish with a Jumbo Coin
  • Bare-Handed Multiple Coin Vanish
  • Bare-Handed Multiple Coin Production - A mini-Miser's Dream
  • Ballet 101
  • Concealing Hand Wash
  • Concealing Hand Wash with Multiple Coins
  • Rotation Coin Production
  • "OK" Fingertip Coin Production
"In a market full of garbage, here is a collection of audience tested, workable routines from a magician with decades of experience. Very worth while stuff..." - Eric Jones - "You are a marvelous coin magician." - Woody Landers - "I have studied with and knew Bobo, and Roy's coin magic reminds me of Bobo." - Mauny Muray

"...You won't find any "use your favorite method" cop outs as Roy meticulously details his signature multiphase coin escapade ... Roy delivers the how and why of each sleight and subtlety to coach conjurers through his stunning sterling odyssey ..." - Keith Pass

length 1 hour.

Reviewed by Paul Lelekis
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 24 August, 2018

I have known Roy for quite a while and his coin magic is exquisite! When he came to my house a few months ago, there was non-stop magic! I was fooled over and over again! Not only will you learn beautiful moves and routines - but also HOW to execute them flawlessly. Roy Eidem makes coin magic very easy to learn. In my many years of performing, I always noticed the big smiles that coin magic puts on everyone's faces...but when Roy Eidem performs his brand of coin magic, he makes everyone's' jaws DROP! Coin magic should be in every magician's repertoire, and Roy Eidem is the man to learn from. Roy Eidem is THE 21st Century coin magician's, coin magician!