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Coins by Roy Volume 1
by Roy Eidem

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Coins by Roy Volume 1 by Roy Eidem
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This coin magic was instrumental in Roy's invitation and multiple performances at the by invitation only FFFF convention, as well as for his 2017 combined IBM/SAM close-up competition act.


  • Multiple Productions of Coins from a Coin Purse Frame (An Elegant Miser's Dream)
  • The Twisted Finger Palm
  • One-half Jumping Shuttle Pass
  • The Reverse Shuttle Pass Drop (RSPD)
  • Vanish of Multiple Coins into a Coin Purse Frame
  • Flash Production of Coins out of a Purse Frame
  • Modified Goshman Coin Pass
  • Click Pass - a Subtle Variation
  • "The 360 Cloak"
  • Flying Han Ping Chien & One Ahead
  • Retention of Vision Vanish with a Jumbo Coin
  • Bare-Handed Multiple Coin Vanish
  • Bare-Handed Multiple Coin Production - A mini-Miser's Dream
  • Ballet 101
  • Concealing Hand Wash
  • Concealing Hand Wash with Multiple Coins
  • Rotation Coin Production
  • "OK" Fingertip Coin Production
"Did you bring your coins?" - John Calvert

"People are going to love to see these routines performed. Great moves ... great coin magic. You did a great job Roy!" - Al Cohen

"Master Coin Manipulator and Sleight of hand artist, Roy Eidem, without any doubt is one of the top coin workers within the arcane arts. Roy's coin work goes well beyond the point of sleight of hand will go way beyond the methods. His psychology employed with his flawless coin work transcends sleight of hand creating the look of real magic. This gentleman makes his work look totally effortless, with a touch of graceful moves. His worst weapon against his spectators is his charm and gentleman approach, using it to and place his audience in a state of awe. Mr. Eidem has been a coin worker for many years and I have been doing magic now for 44 years. "I just can't catch this guy." Never did, never will. Take a journey with Coins Volume One, and I promise with work and practice, you too can become a very strong coin worker." - Jerry Foster - "The Demented Magician"

1st edition 2012, 75 pages.
word count: 20894 which is equivalent to 83 standard pages of text