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Commercial Card Tricks Volume 1
by Ulysses Frederick Grant

#1 Illusions, Escape & Stage author

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Commercial Card Tricks Volume 1 by Ulysses Frederick Grant

This is a rare collection of card secrets that U. F. Grant sold separately. These were listed in his catalog as single items or special props using cards. These were not part of his other card books. The complete directions for the prop tricks are included in this ebook. Many of these items can be made up from cards you may have around your home. If you have seen some of the effects in his early catalogs and wondered how they were done, then this PDF may satisfy your curiosity. A wealth of information that is hard to find elsewhere. This is volume 1 of a planned two volume set. You get all the following secrets:

A Series Of Mistakes: After the performer fails to find two selected cards, (selected while out of the room) a spectator cuts to them in the shuffled deck.

Beauty Card In Cigarette Case: A card held in your hand visibly changes places with a card inside a cigarette case.

Bewitched: A spectator signs your business card; the signature disappears and appears on a playing card.

Card Catcher: Produce 15 to 20 cards from your empty hand. No skill, no palming. Clever gimmick.

Cards En Chips: A complete routine where chips cause cards to change and locate them.

Color Maze: A deck changes color except for the selected card. Deck can be examined at end. No sleights.

Daylight Savings Time Force: An impossible looking force with no sleights.

Deluxe Cards From Pocket: Place shuffled deck in pocket and produce any cards called for.

Futurama: Reveal two cards merely thought of from a deck that two spectators really shuffle! No questions or fishing.

Card In Wallet: Grant's utility wallet for producing any card needed.

Cheek To Cheek: Grant's classic where a deck is split and shuffled face up into face down cards. All cards turn face down except for selected card. No skill or sleights. Easy to make up.

Color Changing Deck: Have a card, no force, selected from a red deck and returned face up. Suddenly the deck changes to blue, all except the selected card.

Follow The Leader: Grant's no sleight version of this classic effect made famous by Vernon.

Grant's Knock Out Card: By the aid of the two prepared cards it is possible to work hundreds of tricks with a borrowed shuffled deck of cards that formerly required years of practice.

Superior Card Trick: An excellent routine where 3 cards change places. No skill. A real gem.

Television Card Frame: Complete directions for this improved version. A signed card appears between two sealed sheets of glass.

Torn Corner Card: Spectator tears a corner off a freely selected card and keeps it. Magician tears the rest of the card into 3 pieces and restores it. The corner kept by the spectator matches.

Jumbo Judah Monte: Full directions for this jumbo card trick.

Card and Plastic Plates: A card appears between two plastic plates sealed in an envelope. No skill or sleight. No gimmicks, everything unprepared.

Grant's Clock Trick: Grant's version of the classic clock trick.

Influence: Any spectator finds another person's selected card.

Jumbo Six Card Repeat Climax: A surprising climax to this standard trick. Show six cards, throw away three and have none left.

Jumbo Touch Prediction: Predict 2 freely chosen cards. Two methods given.

Jumbo Two Card Monte: This version has a surprising climax.

Lady Luck: A three phase routine with borrowed coins, dice and a deck of cards.

Lightning Card Stand: 25 tricks explained with this gimmicked stand.

Mechanical Cards To Pocket: A no sleight version of cards to pocket.

1st edition 2017, 31 pages.
word count: 17423 which is equivalent to 69 standard pages of text