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Conversation as Mentalism 2
by Mark Elsdon


(3 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Conversation as Mentalism 2 by Mark Elsdon

Would you like to have in your repertoire some more killer mentalism effects that you can perform anytime, any place and without any props?

Well, good news! Mark Elsdon's new Conversation As Mentalism Volume 2 contains more of the tried and tested material that made the original volume so popular. (No 'suggestion' techniques are used in these effects. They all actually work all the time.)

The participant's experience of what occurs during these casual performance pieces is this: during the course of an interesting conversation, things take an odd turn and something strange and completely inexplicable happens.

You will learn a fantastic impromptu prediction using any three borrowed objects, an incredible mind-game using just your fingers, the world's best linguistic bar bet, how to travel a few minutes into the future, the secret of the invisible red envelope and much more!

All in all, nine brand new effects that have been designed with one outcome in mind - to amaze whoever you are talking to without the aid of any gadgets, gizmos or gimmicks.

Conversation As Mentalism 2 once again teaches pure, propless mentalism at its most organic.

Praise for the Conversation As Mentalism series:

"It is my firm belief that the title of these books should be changed to The Essential Handbooks of Impromptu Mentalism. The routines taught are all very simple, direct and deeply fooling. This material should be in the arsenal of every modern mentalist! I give it my highest recommendation." - Michael Murray

"These are Mark's other great releases up there with the Meridian Technique. As well as the clever effects and probably more importantly, you're going to learn an attitude which can be used to approach performing in all real world situations." - Colin McLeod

"Conversations as Mentalism series is a collection of impromptu gems that can be used at the drop of a hat. Just the piece with the invisible dice alone is worth the cost of the entire booklet! With just what you carry in your pockets and the knowledge in this booklet, you will be able to perform a whole host of practical material anywhere." - John Carey

1st edition 2015, 35 pages.
word count: 11185 which is equivalent to 44 standard pages of text