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Mark Elsdon

Mark Elsdon

Mark Elsdon has been a professional performer for over 20 years, starting out as a close-up magician and magic bartender. Over the last decade he has focused primarily on developing powerful and entertaining mentalism. He is an acclaimed author, a best-selling creator and an experienced consultant for TV and stage projects.

His ‘Mentalism Reveals’ series of books is influencing a new generation of mentalists to adopt Elsdon’s triple-threat approach to mentalism: aspire to perform only material that has an emotional impact on the audience, focus on presentations that are both entertaining and amazing and always ensure the performer’s memorability.

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Mark Elsdon
Hidden Gems 5 by Mark Elsdon

More excerpts from my notebooks, listing fabulous tricks that have caught my eye over the years. The first four Hidden Gems ebooks have been incredibly popular so here we are with Volume 5.

These are tricks that define the very concept of 'hidden in print'. In each entry, I list the trick, where you can find it, why I love it and why you should look it up. I always describe the effect, occasionally the presentation, but never the method. Most are in books that you already own (or should!), some are in magazines that you can easily get access to and the odd one or two entries will send you...

Mark Elsdon
Hidden Gems 4 by Mark Elsdon

More excerpts from my notebooks, listing fantastic tricks that have caught my eye over the years. The first three Hidden Gems ebooks have been very, very popular so here we are with Volume 4.

These are tricks that define the very concept of 'hidden in print'. In each entry, I list the trick, where you can find it, why I love it and why you should look it up. I always describe the effect, occasionally the presentation, but never the method. Most are in books that you already own (or should!), some are in magazines that you can easily get access to and the odd one or two entries will send...

Mark Elsdon
Hidden Gems 3 by Mark Elsdon

As previously recounted, I've been making notes and sticking Post-its in all my books for decades, so I still have hundreds of great tricks book-marked, annotated, and logged. The first two Hidden Gems ebooks proved far more popular than I could have reasonably expected, so here we are with Volume 3 and another 100 great tricks that most of us have sadly forgotten about.

These are tricks that define the very concept of 'hidden in print'. In each entry, I list the trick, where you can find it, why I love it and why you should look it up. I always describe the effect, occasionally the presentation,...

★★★★★ $32
Mark Elsdon
ZOOMentalism by Mark Elsdon
"ZOOMentalism is absolutely f*** brilliant! Congrats! The Lotto trick alone is worth many times the price of the whole thing." - Alexander De Cova
This new ebook features a compilation of the very best material taken from the five highly-acclaimed volumes of Conversation As Mentalism. All of the handlings have been upgraded specifically to make them perfect to use over Zoom and other video streaming services. The material is ideal for mentalists, magicians, speakers and trainers.

Magicians - please don't be put off that the title of this ebook includes the word 'mentalism'. This material is for everyone.

At the time of writing...

Mark Elsdon
Hidden Gems 2 by Mark Elsdon

More killer magic that you're not doing. A guidebook to fabulous but forgotten material curated by Mark Elsdon.

He has been making notes and sticking Post-its in all his books for decades, so he has hundreds and hundreds of great tricks book-marked, annotated and logged, and after some (not so subtle) prompting by friends he finally decided to collect 100 of them together and publish them in an ebook.

That book - Hidden Gems - proved far more popular than he ever expected. So here we are with Vol. 2 and another 100 killer tricks that most of us have either forgotten about or never even seen before....

★★★★ $17
Mark Elsdon
A Head Full of Books by Mark Elsdon

A Head Full of Books has actually replaced the Hoy book test as my go-to casual mind-reading effect.

Whilst visiting someone's home (or in a bar or coffee shop that has books on the shelves) you ask someone to select any book from their library or off the shelf. He opens the book to any page and reads the first few lines to himself while you look away.

Without touching the book you immediately reveal what he just read! It's that clean.

  • Zero memory work.
  • Use almost any book, in any language.
  • Nothing is written down by the participant or the performer.
  • No sleights, finger breaks or other...
Mark Elsdon
Hidden Gems by Mark Elsdon

The best magic that you're not doing. This brand new eBook is a road map to great magic you already own...

For several years, the last item in my occasional Newsletters was a 'Hidden Gem' - a killer, overlooked trick that's already published somewhere; a book, magazine, eBook, blog or very occasionally a commercial release. Never from a DVD or video download. These are tricks that define the very concept of 'hidden in print'. In each entry I list the trick, where you can find it, why I love it and why you should look it up. I always describe the effect, occasionally the presentation, but never...

★★★★ $25
Mark Elsdon
Conversation as Mentalism 5 by Mark Elsdon
"This may well be the strongest CAM yet, and as you know I'm a big fan of the series!" - Tim Trono
Would you like to learn some brand new killer effects that you can perform anytime, anyplace and without any props? Then you're in luck. Mark Elsdon's new Conversation As Mentalism Volume 5 is just what you're looking for.


  • In The Stars - A recording that impossibly predicts EVERY choice a participant will make!
  • ACDC - The performer correctly identifies the exact date on a random coin that he never touches.
  • Three Objects One Brain - Three participants choose and hide three...
Mark Elsdon
Conversation as Mentalism 4 by Mark Elsdon

Would you like to have in your repertoire even more killer effects that you can perform anytime, anyplace and without any props? Then rejoice! Mark Elsdon's new Conversation As Mentalism Volume 4 is just what you're looking for.

You will learn a brand new imagination-game using a borrowed finger ring, a dream sequence where the participant reads your mind, a way to hypnotize your shoe (!), an unbelievably entertaining prediction from mouth, an incredible over-the-phone revelation and much more! All new, incredible effects that have been designed with one outcome in mind - to amaze whoever...

Mark Elsdon
Dream Poker by Mark Elsdon

"Did I tell you about the time I won the World Poker Tournament? No? Maybe it's because it hasn't happened yet! But it will, it will..."

Dream Poker casts the spectator as the one with all the answers. He reveals three irrefutable facts about something that hasn't even happened yet.

In effect, you claim that you recently had a dream in which you won the World Poker Tournament. As confirmation of the yet-to-happen events in this dream you write down three pieces of information - the date and the year of your future 'win' and the final card that completes your hand and gives you victory....

★★★★★ $45
Mark Elsdon
Fooling with Freud by Mark Elsdon

Over the last few years of devising conversational mentalism material Mark has developed several routines that are so powerful that they each demand a separate release. The first of this new Private Release series is titled Fooling With Freud and is a 100% practical piece of cutting-edge mentalism.

As per the Conversation As Mentalism ethos you don't need to carry any props; this is a pure three-phase routine of direct mindreading - it doesn't use playing cards, iPhones, peek devices, stooges, guessing or the law of averages.

What is the effect? In increasingly arbitrary ways, the participant...

★★★★★ $25
Mark Elsdon
Conversation as Mentalism 3 by Mark Elsdon

Would you like to have in your repertoire some killer effects that you can perform anytime, anyplace and without any props?

Then rejoice! Mark Elsdon's new Conversation As Mentalism Volume 3 is just what you're looking for.

You will learn a brand new mind-game using a single borrowed key, a killer card trick with no cards, an impossible coincidence in time, the best impromptu coin prediction, an utterly incredible memory stunt and much more.

All in all, nine brand new effects that have been designed with one outcome in mind - to amaze whoever you are talking to without the aid of any...

★★★★★ $25
Mark Elsdon
Conversation as Mentalism 2 by Mark Elsdon

Would you like to have in your repertoire some more killer mentalism effects that you can perform anytime, any place and without any props?

Well, good news! Mark Elsdon's new Conversation As Mentalism Volume 2 contains more of the tried and tested material that made the original volume so popular. (No 'suggestion' techniques are used in these effects. They all actually work all the time.)

The participant's experience of what occurs during these casual performance pieces is this: during the course of an interesting conversation, things take an odd turn and something strange and completely...

Mark Elsdon
World Cup Winner 2018 by Mark Elsdon

Perform a killer mind-reading and prediction effect based on the Russia 2018 World Cup!

With the world's premier football tournament taking place in Russia throughout the summer, this fantastic short routine plugs straight into the world's biggest sporting obsession and proves that your mind-reading skills have no limits...

In effect, the spectator freely chooses a random team (genuinely, no force!) which might win the World Cup and you cleanly read his mind and tell him that exact team. No anagrams, nothing written down, no 'extra' props or handling. Just pure mindreading. Even better...

★★★★ $25
Mark Elsdon
Conversation as Mentalism 1 by Mark Elsdon

Would you like to have in your repertoire some killer mentalism effects that you can perform anytime, anyplace and without any props?

Well, good news! Conversation As Mentalism contains tried and tested material that you can start to use immediately.

The participant's experience of what occurs during these casual performance pieces is this: during the course of an interesting conversation, things take an odd turn and something strange and completely inexplicable happens.

Maybe you read their mind about a film they've seen or a book they've read. Maybe it's a simple verbal game that...

Mark Elsdon
The Inevitable by Mark Elsdon

This is probably Mark Elsdon's strongest piece. He has used it as the closer at every single private and house party he has worked for the last couple of years and it brings the house down (pardon the pun).

The only other performer who has known about it is Paul Vigil and this is what he has to say about it:

"I call this "My friend Mark Elsdon's ACAA...," but he calls it The Inevitable; and it's one of the strongest and most clever uses of The Invisible Deck I've ever witnessed. It went directly into my performance repertoire and can quickly become the perfect closer (or encore piece)...

Mark Elsdon
Whacked: a book test for the working performer by Mark Elsdon

Designed for the serious working performer, 'Whacked!' is a 10 minute mind-reading routine which revolves around Dave Gorman's best-selling comedy book Googlewhack Adventure. If you've no idea what that is, you can bring yourself up to speed by heading over to

This second edition manuscript gives full details of Mark's script and psychological approach – which is one of the things that lifts Whacked head and shoulders above so many other book-tests. The presentation has been honed over many, many performances for a wide variety of audiences, which ensures that the routine...

★★★★ $9
Mark Elsdon
Rubik Notes by Mark Elsdon

Following on from the success of his Rubik Remembered DVD, this is Mark’s brand new ebook: Rubik Notes.

The Notes contain Mark’s full solution for Rubik’s Cube (His version of the Layer Method, originally devised by Rubik-Guru David Singmaster. You can achieve solve times below one minute with this method.) and are fully colour-illustrated to make learning as direct as possible. The solution is completely self-contained and you don’t need to own the Rubik Remembered DVD or indeed anything else to learn to solve Rubik’s Cube – everything is right here in the Notes.

If however...

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