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Cutting Remarks
by David Britland

#2 Biographies & History author

(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Cutting Remarks by David Britland

Cutting Remarks was originally intended to form part of Card Kinetics, a booklet dealing with various methods of making playing cards move with various kinds of elastic loops, including those pioneered by Finn Jon and pirated by everyone else. However, this version of the Self Cutting Deck, for this is what Cutting Remarks is all about, doesn't use elastic of any kind, not even a thread. Peter Duffie used a similar principle in his effect Ascension to achieve a very unusual version of the Rising Card.

David's first introduction to a threadless Self Cutting Deck was provided by Bob Ostin. His version of the effect, using a gimmick which can be added to and removed from the deck, is described in his lecture notes (Sleightly Surprising) and remains one of the finest handlings.

1st digital edition 2013, 13 pages.
word count: 2916 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text
