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Parallax: a topological miracle
by David Britland

#2 Biographies & History author

(1 review, 8 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Parallax: a topological miracle by David Britland

How many effects do you know that use only one playing card? Well Parallax is just that.

The performer shows a playing card (any size works from jumbo card down to regular size) . A spectator holds the card face up. He grips it firmly and does not let go until the effect is over. Nevertheless the performer turns the card face down, visibly, right in front of the spectator's eyes. Yes, the card turns over whilst the spectator is holding it. It looks quite impossible. Only one card is used and the effect is performed openly and without cover of any kind. It's a topological miracle that you will be able to perform right away.

[Note that this ebook does not come with the prepared card. Originally this booklet was sold with a prepared Jumbo card. However, with the instructions it is quite easy to prepare a card. All you need is a straight edge and a box cutter.]

Also included is Terri Rogers' and Shiv Duggal's Hatch 22, a variation of Parallax, as well as David Britland's Twisted Sister routine (the ideal introduction to Card Warp) and a new finish for David's famous Tearing a Lady in Two.

History: This effect started its gestation due to Bob Neale's marvelous manuscript The Trapdoor Card. Based on Bob Neale's trick Terri Rogers developed her Star Gate (can be found in Top Secrets), which has proved to be very popular all over the world. Parallax is sort of the missing link between Trapdoor Card and Star Gate. It uses elements from both but the effect on the spectator is different.

1st digital edition 2012, 18 pages.
word count: 4472 which is equivalent to 17 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Paul Hallas
★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 18 December, 2012

This is a great effect and was recommended in my book "Magic From The Overground" in the chapter on strolling magic and table hopping where I shared my patter for it. It has been in my repertoire on and off for decades. In later years someone released something similar with a dollar bill. It plays better for adults than children. Well worth $7 .
