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David Britland

David Britland

#2 Biographies & History author

David Britland is a consultant producer for television. He developed The Real Hustle television series with Matt Crook and Objective Productions, and has consulted on the shows of Derren Brown, Max Maven, James Randi, Barry and Stuart, Simon Drake, Luis de Matos and many others.

He wrote several books and booklets and was editor and illustrator for many books published by Martin Breese. In 2003 he wrote Phantoms of the Card Table with Gazzo. He is also the author of The Mind and Magic of David Berglas. In 2005 he was awarded the Literary Fellowship by the Academy of Magical Arts in Hollywood.

He has a blog at

Coauthors: Marc Russell, Ted Lesley, Eric Mason

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★★★★ $10
David Britland
Trick Card Trickery by David Britland

Clever tricks with standard gaffed cards such as double backers, blank faced, etc.

Excerpt from the introduction:

You will find that the effects obtained through the use of fake cards can be quite incredible when some sleight-of-hand or subtlety is also used. False counts play a large part in the effects.

  • Introduction
  • The Elmsley Count
  • The Jordan Count
  • The Experimental Elmsley Count
  • Instant Printing
  • Supersonic Joker
  • An Oddity!
  • Turncoat
  • ’simpossible
  • Notes

1st edition 1978, 16 pages; PDF 20 pages.

David Britland
Parallax: a topological miracle (used) by David Britland

Softcover stapled booklet in excellent condition (like new). Included is a jumbo-sized version of the prepared card. Also included is a letter by Martin Breese to the Filofax company and a Filofax brochure. Martin pitched them on selling FiloTrix, magic tricks which fit into the Filofax clear pockets, and are sold wherever Filofax is being sold. Parallax should have been the first such trick.

To my knowledge, this FiloTrix idea was never realized. However, it is a nice example of Martin's business sense and constant exploration of business opportunities. A unique association piece for collectors....

David Britland
Tearing a Lady in Two (German) (gebraucht) by David Britland

Heft gebunden mit einer Kunststoff-Kammbindung. Herausgegeben von Martin Breese. Inhalt siehe die digitale Ausgabe. Es ist dies die Deutsche Übersetzung von David Britland's Tearing a Lady in Two.

David Britland
Tearing a Lady in Two (German) by David Britland

EFFEKT: Obwohl man diesen Effekt mit Spielkarten vorführen kann, ist es aus technischen und wohl auch aus Gründen des "Verkaufs" besser, zwei Geschäftskarten oder Blanko-Visitenkarten zu verwenden. Bei der Vorführung erwähnen Sie die großen Illusionen, die heutzutage im Fernsehen vorgeführt werden. Und obwohl Sie nicht alle Vorrichtungen mitgebracht haben, wird sicher eine der anwesenden jungen Damen sich gern auf der Tischplatte durchsägen lassen. Auf eine entsprechende Bemerkung ihrerseits sollten Sie schon eine Reaktion bekommen. Und Sie sollten auch in der Lage sein, ein wenig daraus...

★★★★ $6
David Britland
La Femme Coupée by David Britland


Bien que vous puissiez utiliser cet effet avec des cartes à jouer, il est techniquement, et probablement commercialement meilleur d'utiliser des cartes de visite soit à votre nom, soit vierges. Durant votre spectacle vous introduisez le thème des grandes illusions qui sont maintenant pratiquées à la télévision. Bien que vous n'ayez pas ammené tous vos accessoires avec vous, une jeune femme de l'assistance serait peut-être honorée d'être sciée en deux sur la table. Ceci devrait vous obtenir quelques réactions et vous devriez pouvoir développer un petit jeu autour des réactions...

★★★★ $49
David Britland
Chan Canasta: A Remarkable Man Volume 1 by David Britland

Chan Canasta (1920 to 1999) was something of a TV sensation in the 1950s as one of Britain's leading mentalists. His blend of psychology and traditional conjuring which he called psychmagic, was a breath of fresh air. This beautifully ebook is a unique record of his mentalist effects and unique entertaining style.

"Martin has excelled himself with the production values. It looks beautiful; maybe it is the most attractive looking book I have ever seen. If you are interested in Canasta then you will have to buy the book." - Peter Zenner

"I'm not sure that there have been other books quite like this....

★★★★ $10
Ted Lesley & Eric Mason & David Britland
Ted Lesley's Working Performer's Marked Deck Manual by Ted Lesley & Eric Mason & David Britland

"I must congratulate you on producing the most readable 'Reader' deck I have ever seen." - Billy McComb

"A bold yet deceptive marking system that reveals the cards as fast as you can glance at them. An absolute boon to the professional performer." - Larry Becker

"Your marking idea is brilliant. It is quite the cleverest idea that I have seen in a marked deck for magicians." - Jeff Busby

"It is the first marked deck I have seen that is practical for the performing magician, your deck indeed makes miracles with cards so very easy congratulations." - Marvin Roy

Ted Lesley of Germany devised the Working Performer's...

David Britland
Consumer Control by David Britland

Five ESP cards are laid out on the table. Point to one and push it aside. Point to another and push it aside. Discard two more until just one is left. Do you think I could have predicted that card in advance?

A duplicate set of ESP cards has been on view throughout. They are all face down except one. It's your card. Not only that, but it has a completely different colored back from the rest!

Consumer Control is simple, easy and direct. No counts, moves or sleight of hand. A baffling demonstration of psychological persuasion.

[Note: This ebook does not come with the specially prepared cards. One set of ESP cards is regular. The other set is prepared with rough and smooth but in a very special way. If you have a roughing spray or stick you will be able to make your own cards. You will need ESP cards with two different backs. You will also need two double backers that match the two different backs and two envelopes.]

1st edition 2001, 1st digital edition 2013, 9 pages....

David Britland
Equinox by David Britland

Card tricks with ungimmicked cards. One coin trick.

  • TOASTMASTERS: a revolutionary sandwich effect
  • WALTZ TIME: a packet elevator with visions of grandeur
  • LUNCH BOX: a large sandwich with very few calories
  • TRI-UMPH: in the midst of chaos something always turns up
  • ORIENT EXPRESS: the Chinese get the better of the exchange rate
  • HOMEWARD BOUND: a mysterious journey across time and space
  • AUSTRIAN ACES: a simple solution to Johann's problem
  • VOO-DUO: two cards linked by uncanny forces
  • BULLS EYE: a pasteboard prediction
★★★★★ $7
David Britland
Cutting Remarks by David Britland

Cutting Remarks was originally intended to form part of Card Kinetics, a booklet dealing with various methods of making playing cards move with various kinds of elastic loops, including those pioneered by Finn Jon and pirated by everyone else. However, this version of the Self Cutting Deck, for this is what Cutting Remarks is all about, doesn't use elastic of any kind, not even a thread. Peter Duffie used a similar principle in his effect Ascension to achieve a very unusual version of the Rising Card.

David's first introduction to a threadless Self Cutting Deck was provided by Bob Ostin. His version of...

★★★★★ $8
David Britland
Card Kinetics by David Britland

Card Kinetics is a manual dealing with methods of making ordinary playing cards move, rise or jump. A number of different approaches are used, all practical and baffling.

In Card Kinetics, David Britland carries on the work detailed in his other manuscript, The Angel Card Rise Plus, and details several versions of this popular effect, each using a simple, disposable gimmick which can be added to your own or a borrowed deck. Users of David's Angel Card Rise should be pleased with its final incarnation, The Ultimate Angel, described in this ebook.

But there is more. Angel Aces, Spring Heeled Jacks, Inside-Out Angel, Business...

★★★★ $7
David Britland
Parallax: a topological miracle by David Britland

How many effects do you know that use only one playing card? Well Parallax is just that.

The performer shows a playing card (any size works from jumbo card down to regular size) . A spectator holds the card face up. He grips it firmly and does not let go until the effect is over. Nevertheless the performer turns the card face down, visibly, right in front of the spectator's eyes. Yes, the card turns over whilst the spectator is holding it. It looks quite impossible. Only one card is used and the effect is performed openly and without cover of any kind. It's a topological miracle that you...

★★★★★ $7
David Britland
A Lady Through and Through by David Britland

Two effects are described, both with a 'Queen gets penetrated by another card' plot. The first effect can live inside a regular deck. The second effect is a small packet trick. Both effects require some preparation, but all you need is a knife and tape. The gaffed cards are very clever allowing for beautifully visual effects.

1st edition 1984, 1st digital edition 2012, 10 pages.

David Britland
Chan Canasta: A Remarkable Man Volume 2 by David Britland

This is the long-awaited follow up to the first volume. It is a quality soft back publication, perfect bound. It contains a lot of information that arrived too late for inclusion in the first volume. We are grateful to all those who have helped us produce this set of books on the Remarkable Chan Canasta.

  • Publisher's Introduction
  • Further Discoveries by David Britland
  • Chan Canasta article (reprinted from Magic Magazine)

The first volume can be found here: Chan Canasta: A Remarkable Man Volume 1

1st edition 2001, 45 pages.

★★★★ $10
David Britland
Psychomancy by David Britland

Ten wonderful mental magic effects by David Britland. Here is David in his own words:

Although my first love is Card Magic I also have a great interest in the field of mentalism. I hope that I've been able to combine both interests in the ten items described in this book. They are all designed for close-up work and require little in the way of manual dexterity. You'll discover a variety of effects from the prediction of a spectator's choice as to whether he prefers Noughts or Crosses in Tic Tac Toe to the spectacle of multiple coincidences which take place in 'My Name Is Legion'. I hope that...

David Britland & Marc Russell
Cardopolis by David Britland & Marc Russell

Table of Contents

  1. Tunnel Sandwich
  2. Jedi Force
  3. Flipover Cut
  4. Snapover Flourish
  5. Panacea
  6. Martinez Display
  7. Tell Tale Triumph
  8. Zarrow Shuffle
  9. Exit Line
  10. Add On Finesse
  11. Going Under Ground
  12. Flesh Eaters
  13. - One
  14. - Two
  15. - Three
  16. Any Which Way You Can
  17. Fourlorn
  18. Double Trouble
  19. Cannon Fire
  20. Promenade
  21. M. C. Switch
  22. Spinner

1st edition 1984; original 32 pages; PDF 42 pages.

David Britland
Deckade by David Britland

It is a collection of 7 strong card effects by David Britland. You will find various effect themes from oil and water to sandwich, and from elevator to a whole lot of twisting.

1st edition 1983, original 20 pages; PDF 25 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Disco
  2. High Rise
  3. O + W
  4. Nautilace
  5. - All Around Twist
  6. - With 4
  7. - The Interlock Twist
  8. - The Double Twist
  9. Jackrobats
  10. Sandswitch
★★★★ $5
David Britland
Master of the Game by David Britland

Master of the Game is an amazing poker prediction which can be performed totally impromptu, with a spectator shuffled deck and with essentially no sleight-of-hand unless you consider crimping a card sleight-of-hand.

Imagine the following. A spectator shuffles an ordinary deck, perhaps his own. The performer tells of a strange dream in which he and the spectator played a simple game of cards. Furthermore, the performer has set down the details of the dream on a slip of paper which is sealed inside and envelope. The envelope is placed on the table where it remains for the rest of the routine. ...

★★★★ $6
David Britland
Tearing a Lady in Two by David Britland

If you like the classic Card Warp effect you will love this related but nevertheless quite different effect. And you might have seen Charlie Fry's version of this trick - Ripped & Fryed - featured on the Paul Harris True Astonishment DVDs. Now you can learn the original and get all the tips, subtleties and pointers from the creator.

Whilst you can use this effect with playing cards it works equally well with business cards. In performance you introduce the subject of the big illusions that are being performed on TV. Although you haven't brought along all your apparatus with you perhaps some young lady...

★★★ $6
David Britland
Angel Card Rise Plus by David Britland

David Britland describes a lovely gimmick which allows you to produce an eerie rising card effect. The basic concept of the gimmick is not new and it was not new in the 80s when the first edition of this booklet was published. However, the value of the ebook lies in the various ways to deploy the gimmick, the different effects one can achieve, and the methods to clean up or transition into the next routine.

You will learn how to achieve a double rise effect where first the deck rises out of the case and then the selected card rises out of the deck. You also read a great anecdote how Dave...

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