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Dark Thoughts
by Scott F. Guinn

#3 Comedy Magic author

(3 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Dark Thoughts by Scott F. Guinn

Jean Boucher's "The Dark Card" is one of the greatest utility card gimmicks ever--you can do MIRACLES with it! In Dark Thoughts, Scott teaches seven incredible routines using the Dark Card.


  • Olympic Champion: Two spectators' signed cards (with different colored backs) transpose!
  • Red & Blue Times Two: The Alex Elmsley classic, with an impossible instant repeat!
  • The Legend of Scott Star: A tale of the Old West, with lawmen, card cheats, killers, and a hangin' judge. There is magic all the way, including a poker deal, and a finish that they never see coming that leaves them in shock!
  • Dark Shellshock: After Scott did this for a lady at a restaurant, she asked to keep her signed card and then put it in her wallet--OVER HER ONLY SON'S PHOTO!
  • Dark Mirage: A blue-backed card is shown in your wallet. Your participant selects a card from a red-backed deck and signs its face. This card is lost in the deck. The blue card is removed from the wallet and turned face up--it is the signed selection!
  • Dark Mystery and The Emergency Card: Two routines featuring a signed card to impossible location--plus, the back color of the selection changes!
If you have The Dark Card, you need this ebook. To learn how to make the Dark Card gimmick read The Dark Card by Jean Boucher.

1st edition 2009; 44 pages.
word count: 8796 which is equivalent to 35 standard pages of text