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David Alexander

David Alexander

(22nd December 1943 - 14th December 2010)

David Alexander was a traveling stage magician for almost 40 years, an author, and a silhouette artist. Original member of the Long Beach Mystics in mid-1950s. Mentored by José Frakson for seven years. In mid-1960s was first resident magician at the Hotel Claremont in San Francisco. First curator of the Carter Collection of rare magic and memorabilia. Several years as a cruise ship magician. First magician hired by Princess Cruises. Toured throughout Mexico and Central America, including 12-months in Acapulco. David presented his act in English, Spanish, French and Japanese, and performed on TV in the United States, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Taiwan, Mexico, and Central America. David was also a professional silhouette artist, and his work can be found in collections around the world. Wrote The Complete Professional Pickpocket, the definitive work on stage pickpocketing 1979. Articles in magic magazines.

Coauthors: Richard Kyle

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David Alexander & Richard Kyle
The Magician as Detective by David Alexander & Richard KyleThis product consists of an ebook with two parts and a video. The first part of the ebook is a reproduction of David Alexander's article from the Genii January 2000 issue where he introduced his candidate for Erdnase, Wilbur E. Sanders. The second part is an unpublished booklet titled The S.W. Erdnase Report by Richard Kyle which includes a narrative and several letters to David.

David Alexander and Richard Kyle would speak for hours on the phone exchanging their thoughts, their insights, and their discoveries regarding Erdnase. Richard Kyle would often write a letter to David afterward to memorialize...