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Don Tanner

Don Tanner

(1924 - 1981)

Magician from Columbus, Ohio. His day job was working as a technician for the telephone company. When U.F. Grant moved back to Columbus, Ohio in the 1950's, Tanner went to work for him and wrote and edited many of his books. Tanner was editor of The New Phoenix (1960-1965) and founder/editor of The Mentalist issues 1-12. He was also the Parade Editor for The Linking Ring for some time.

Coauthors: Johnnie Murray, Jack Dean

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★★★★★ $35
Don Tanner & Jack Dean
The Complete The Mentalist by Don Tanner & Jack Dean

Enjoy the great mental magic by contributors such as Al Koran, Bill Miesel, Peter Warlock, Dai Vernon, U.F. Grant, Eddie Clever and even T. A. Waters, and of course a good amount by Don Tanner and Jack Dean themselves.

You will receive issues 1 (October 1962) - 33 (September 1965) and the incomplete issue number 34. Includes a foreword by Paul Alberstat.

No. 1

  • Central Time / North Bigbee
  • Impromptu Clip Board / U. F. Grant
  • Mindevelopmental / Howard A. Adams
  • Mental Memos / Don Tanner

No. 2

  • ESP Elimination / Joe White
  • Long Wave Reception / T. A. Waters
  • Shine / Jack Ketch
  • Mental Memos / Don Tanner

No. 3

  • Bold / Julies...
★★★★ $4
Don Tanner
Grant's Fabulous Feats of Mental Magic by Don Tanner

In this eBook, you get 50 feats of mental magic from the legendary U. F. Grant. Written by Don Tanner, contents include book tests, various design duplication methods, Grant's original Prediction Chest, Q&A acts and methods, mental card miracles, blindfolds, and much more. Many of these items are worth far more than the price of the manuscript; including Grant's "Mental Epic" style triple prediction effect, called "Citation," that uses a large regular slate or dry erase board. You get all this for just $4.00, one of the best bargains in magic.

  • See-All Telephone Book Test
  • The Clear View Test
  • Magazine...
Don Tanner
How To Do Headline Predictions by Don Tanner

Excellent coverage of an important magic subject. Any magician can add vital interest and sparkle to his program by including a headline prediction, or prediction on the outcome of some event. Tells you just how to do it, in ways that cannot fail. No great expense involved in any of the methods sometimes none at all.

Check the contents:

  • Introduction and pointers
  • Goose that Laid a Golden Egg
  • In a Block of Ice
  • In a Block of Cement
  • In a Loaf of Bread
  • The Eddie Clever Method
  • Floating Prediction
  • Prediction Chest
  • Two Way Predictions
  • Buddha Check Prediction
  • Two Way Box
  • Card Box Predictions ...
★★★★★ $10
Don Tanner
Il Genio di Grant by Don Tanner

Ecco un fantastico libro. Soprattutto un libro pratico e utile. Ti servirà senza dubbio. Se vuoi inserire nel tuo repertorio giochi che siano di grande effetto e al contempo di semplice esecuzione, allora questo libro è per te !

Non fartelo sfuggire : tra le sue pagine trovi materiale veramente eccellente . lavori in scena ? Oppure esegui Close-up ? oppure Cartomagia o Mentalismo o ancora Grandi illusioni ? Ebbene in questo libro trovi di sicuro qualcosa che fa per te.

Sappiamo come è difficile trovare giochi pratici che funzionino davvero e non siamo solo carta stampata che poi rimane...

Johnnie Murray & Don Tanner
Coffee-Break Magic by Johnnie Murray & Don Tanner

This ebook contains little tidbits and ideas that you can place right into your act. Some are clever, some are cute and some will make you (and your audiences) laugh out loud!

  • Memento
  • Three
  • Borrowing Money By Remote Control
  • Moola Monte
  • Silk Extraction
  • A Card Stabbing Souvenir
  • In Miniature
  • Odds And Ends
  • Escape
  • Impromptu Bullet Catching

1st edition 1959; 1st digital edition 2013, 15 pages.

Don Tanner
Fifty Ways to use a Card Box by Don Tanner

Everybody owns a card box. Many magicians own several. Seldom are they used for anything more than vanishing a card. Now here's a whole new breath of life for them - fifty ways to put them to work. You will find complete routines here, or effects which can be used alone or in combination with other effects. This kind of reading stimulates your thinking, so that you will see places in your show where a card box is just the right answer. Reference ebooks of this type belong on every magicians digital shelf. They are the recipe ebooks of our trade.

  • Introduction
  • A Word About Card Boxes
  • Comedy...
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 products)