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Eastern Moves: Video Vol. 2
by Radek Makar


(1 review, 5 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Eastern Moves: Video Vol. 2 by Radek Makar

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Hypnotic Spellbound is a spellbound just like any other -- a few different color changes of a coin in one sequence. There is one sleight difference. There are two common ways of performing Spellbound. One of them is a show of pure skill -- the magician changes the coin's color one time right after the other without saying anything. The second most common type is the same as above but the magician also describes what's happening -- "the coin changes color from... to..." etc.

This spellbound routine is presented as a result of hypnosis. Spectators perception is changed because of the hypnosis and he can see something that doesn't happen, he can see the coin which is not really there...

"Without a doubt, this effect to me is one of the best spellbound routine I have seen, and one of the best out there; that presentation fit just right in with it and really makes the effect more magical, WOW I really love it. I myself was literally HYNOPTIZED by it, Great Job." - Mano Tejeda

"Great presentation. Great moves. My fingers are knee-deep in a finger-flinging love-fest! Way to go Radek!" - Ben Salinas

"To date, I think this is one of the very best effects Radmak has created and this guy is getting better and better each time I watch his stuff. One other comment: I was surprised at the production quality of this vid. It is exceptional, very pleasing to the eye, performed with perfect background music in HD." - Charles Perkins

Reviewed by Skott Hughes (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 26 March, 2012

This is such a great piece of art to own. The effortless phases of this or any routine are what makes this so astonishing. The coins melt transpose and many other unthinkable things as your mind tries to catch up. Even if you do your own routines, there will be plenty here to add, a little something is always better then a little of nothing. Very happy with this as you will be also. Skott Hughes

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Magic & Mentalism / Coins, Chips & Buttons

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Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video