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by Radek Makar


(1 review, 7 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Eni-Where by Radek Makar

Original and good new card tricks appear frequently, but new amazing coin tricks are much much harder to come by. Eni-Where is one of those rare effects which will fool you badly. This move allows for a perfectly clean production and vanish of a regular coin. There are no gimmicks, no pulls, magnets or other stuff. Before I say more watch the video demo below. It is pure magic.

This is such a fair and clean production that you will think this is a doctored video. To be honest when I first watched it that is what I thought. But it is exactly what you will be able to do once you know how it is done. Remember that this can be done

  • Anywhere (angles are great)
  • Anytime (needs no preparation)
  • Any Coin (no gimmicks)

It is pure sleight-of-hand. There are no gimmicks of any kind and you can do this move with any coin you wish. This is one of those moves that will fool yourself in front of a mirror. It is not even a very hard move to do. Of course, being sleight-of-hand it will require some practice, but it does not require any knack or special muscle or any other strange anatomical features. I am probably below average when it comes to my coin skills and I could learn this after a few minutes of practice. Of course, it is not ready for a paying audience, but it is not like say a muscle pass which can take months of practice to even get to some kind of stage where you can actually do it.

Radek has done a very careful and solid job in crediting where his inspiration comes from. This is refreshing to see from a first time author. Besides the detailed description of the move which can be used as a coin production or a coin vanish you will also learn Radek's coin routine using the move. Additionally Radek explains how he controls the head/tail toss of a coin and two further coin moves he developed.


  • Introduction
  • II. Eni-Where – the origins and credits
  • IV. Eni-Where VANISH
  • V. ½ Coin routine


  • VI. Perfect Toss
  • VII. Himber/Nowhere Tenkai Pennies
  • VIII. FPV (First Person View) Change

1st edition 2011; 15 pages.

If you want to see it a few more times performed in Paris then watch below.

word count: 3121 which is equivalent to 12 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Scott Watson (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Tuesday 03 September, 2013

I think this is a fantastic technique from Radek, quick to learn and high impact. Despite the criticism of some elsewhere, I think he has made a fantastic effort to properly credit and direct readers to the sources of his information and inspiration for Eni-Where and in my opinion is a huge credit to this first time author.

My only feedback on this, is that for the sake of completeness and ease of those perhaps not familiar with the specific palm used in the technique, there could have been a more detailed explanation of the getting ins and outs of it as well as some of the subtleties involved in using it.

Definitely worth the purchase however.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Coins, Chips & Buttons

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video