Edward M. Massey
(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 3rd February 1893 - 15th November 1964)
Advertiser. Semi-pro magician. Illusion builder-inventor in Ardmore, Pennsylvania, in 1930s-50s, for W.W. Durbin, Howard Thurston, etc.
Invented the Penetration Frame (1927), Piercing a Woman = Rod through Body (1931), Vivisection (1933), Finger Chopper (by 1941 when sold to Holden), Sawing through a Cigarette (by 1941), It's a Stopper (by 1941), It's a Corker (1943), Squeezaway Block (Mar 1946), Cabinet of Deodar (Aug 1946), Ribbon Fantastique (by 1947), Color Flight (Jan 1947), Card Dagger (Jan 1947), Commando Screen (by 1948), Massey Duplex Slate (by 1949), Trickette Penetration (1950), & Chinese Flame Clock (by 1958).
Wrote New and Original Magic (1922, 205pp) & (as "Morrell Massey") Adventures of a Boy Magician (1934). See Frank Csuri (ed), Collected Works of Edward Massey (typescript). Also wrote (as "Morrell Massey") a detective novel, Left Hand Left (1932). Articles in magic magazines.