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Encore 3
by Michael Ammar


(1 review, 9 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Encore 3 by Michael Ammar

Critics and customers unanimously agree that Encore 3 contains more practical, powerful, performance material than any other book of its kind.

Reputations have been made from the material in this ebook, and over a dozen of the items have been used on national television in the United States, Russia, Japan, Canada, Australia, England, France, and Norway.

When Michael put a card on the Kremlin ceiling, Russia became the 25th country Michael had performed in using the method taught in this ebook, and almost a dozen more countries have been added to the list since then.

For almost 10 years Siegfried Fishbacker used the same routine to turn the ceiling in his dressing room at the MIRAGE into a Who's Who list of celebrities, such as Liza Minelli, Elizabeth Taylor, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Madonna, and literally hundreds more. The original and only printed source for this full routine is Encore 3.

No matter what your current position is in magic, you will find material here you can use with amazing results. Copperfield used the Cards into Card Case on his last special, Paul Daniels used the Sponge Ball up the Spectators Sleeve to open one of his specials, Doug Henning used the Hundred Dollar Bill Switch routine straight from this book, and there are other examples too numerous to list of the material from this book being used in professional arenas.

The Gallo Pitch, Beenie Weenie, Klause's Name is the Same, The Two Dollar bill tear, and much more, with typeset text to match those beautiful Richard Kaufman illustrations.

This material is audience-proven by top professionals around the world.


  • Flash Coins
  • The Name Is The Same
  • Klause's Bill Switch
  • Featuring Four Professional Presentations
  • Yeast Card
  • Action Change
  • All-American Reverse Matrix
  • Absent Minded Miracle
  • Beenie Weenie
  • Two Dollar Bill Tear
  • Cards Into Case
  • Magical Change
  • Two Dollars To Four Halves
  • The Gallo Pitch
  • Professional Applications of the Gallo Pitch
  • Silver Sponge
  • Tie Tack
  • Card on Ceiling
  • Sponge Ball Up The Sleeve
  • The Repeat
  • Coins Through Silk
  • Bravos

1st edition 1983, 74 pages.
word count: 31689 which is equivalent to 126 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Phil Reda (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 03 January, 2015

This should be called Ammar and Friends. The contributor list reads like a Who's Who lost in the world of close up magic. There is a gold mine of effects between the covers - something for everyone. My favorite is the $2 Bill Tear - I have carried this in my wallet for over 15 years now and is one of my favorite effects. This effect alone is worth the price of the manuscript. Another great effect and one Michael used on Merve Griffen is the "Cards to Case". This is a great opener for a card set and easy to do (no gimmicks) "Coins thru silk" Michael takes an old trick and makes into a visually stunning piece of Magic. You will fool yourself as you watch the coins visually penetrate a see thru scarf. If your looking to learn the Hundred Dollar Bill switch or refine your technique on the one you do now - Roger Klause's Bill Switch is taught in great detail and drawings.

Well written in the usual Ammar style very detailed and illustrated by Richard Kaufman - Can't go wrong at this price - highly recommended.